Thanks for your valuable feedback.
I am using VLF technology in my design. Hence, I am using 18 KHz as the transmitting frequency for a walk-through metal detector (Single zone).
I will be using a current amplifier using BJT at the output of the Wien bridge oscillator to enhance the current in the transmitter section.
1. What should be the optimum no. of turns of coils (for one transmit coil & two receiver coils) for a walk-through metal detector?
1) There is NO Optimum Number of Turns.
There is an Optimum L/C Resonance for a Given Frequency. (L/C Resonance = Inductance and Capacitance)
Inductance is a function of Turns, Size and Shape of Coil.
2) Your Transmit Circuit will NEVER be Stable at 18000 Hz.
It will Definitely vary in Frequency with Temperature and humidity.
This Variation in Frequency will put your Receive coils out of tune.
You Might consider using a Watch Crystal to generate an Exact Frequency.
They are available for a Frequency of 32.76800 KHz and this could be easily divided down to 16.38400 KHz.
3) your two Opposing Receive Coils will NOT be truly Opposing.
Since they are Not on the
Exact same Plane & Distance from the Transmit coil,
they will Not cancel properly.
But All said and done, Your idea here STILL Won't Work for Detecting Most metal objects.