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Using external model libraries in ADS netlist command line simulation

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Sep 25, 2015
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So I have been struggling with this for a long while and I have tried contacting support several times and I can never get the answers that I want. For the work that I am doing I have to run an ADS simulation on a netlist I created through the command line. I am able to successfully run this simulation and view the results with built in ADS models, however when I use a different companies models for example, Modelithics amplifier models I get the simulation error:
"`HMT_EUD_EGN030MK_MDLXNLT1.C_FET1' is an instance of an undefined model `C_FET8'.

Sample code for my command line:
set HPEESOF_DIR=c:\ADS\ADS2013_06
set COMPL_DIR=c:\ADS\ADS2013_06
set MDLXNLT1=c:\...\MDLX_NLT_dk_Library (*) Not needed for built in models
set SIMARCH=win32
hpeesofsim -r H:\...\output.log H:\...\netlist.log

Sample of model in my netlist file:
"HMT_EUD_EGN030MK_MDLXNLT1":EGN030MK_1 N__5 N__6 0 TEMP=25

The environmental variables I set:

I have attempted adding MDLXNLT1 path to my "ADSlibconfig" file and I get the same error listed above. I guess the main question is how do I properly reference a 3rd party library in a netlist file so that I can get a simulation to converge from the command line. I would appreciate any advice pointing me in the right direction as I feel like I have been banging my head against the wall with this.

I have tried using netlist include in the circuit schematics and I am not sure what I need to include to get the library working.

In Unix environment, only "HPEESOF_DIR" is required to be defined as Envionment Variable.
Try to set it as System Environment Variable in Windows.
Not User Environment Variable.

I have several of the ADS directory sets as system environmental variables which I set in Matlab. I believe I have defined the "HPEESOF_DIR" correctly because I can run simulations on schematics from the command line that only include built in ADS models. The problem I have is when using an external library for built in components I can only run simulations from the ADS window and not from command line like I could with ADS only netlists.

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