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traffic light circuit

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Newbie level 3
Newbie level 3
Dec 26, 2007
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I have to design a traffic light circuit(red-50s & green-30s) with 74ls192(3 IC),Lm555,relays,logic gates(AND,NAND,OR,NOT),7-segments and 74ls47.could someone help me with this circuit?

Hello, Is this a student project? if so you have to do it yourself(if you want to be able to find a good job when you graduated) but you can post your ideas and schematics to be discussed here.
get the datasheet of each part
and know what it does exactly
and how it can function in your circuit
for ex: the 555 timer can provide you with the clock pulses
and the 74LS192 can be the counters
yeah it's a student work but It's not related to the field I'm studying.
I do find datasheets and I know what they all do in the circuit except relays.I dunno where to use them.
It sure is, you are expected to do this! You can't tell your future boss at a decent company it is not related to my field, you will get fired promptly. You have to think about it hard even for a few days. Draw some schematics surely you should have some ideas. What you mean "I dunno". Relays are switches and switches turn things On/Off. With gates you can build any logic or condition.

see how the relays function
and how to use them in the circuit
and if you can get the job done without them
then don't use them...

for the different numbers
don't you have 3 ICs 74LS192

I drew the schematic(I'm not sure if it is correct or not but I guess it is).Thanks for your attention :)

Hi.. my name is i am doing final year project in university technology of malaysia (utm).. my project title is smart traffic light system using fuzzy logic.. my traffic light system is control by PIC microcontroller..and im using infra-red sensor to detect the vehicles.. is it possible i can get the circuit design for this project? reply as soon as possible, plz.. thank you so much... my contact number is 012-7419761..

I think it is better you use CMOS ICs
as 555 for producing pulses.
4040 to increase time as required.
and finally 4017 counter for glowing step by step.
with these two 40 series ICs you can get many different timing
combination and in final output you can any mosfet as IRF540 to drive
the current for many LEDs.:razz:

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