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Suggest a PIC C Compiler

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Faisal Khan

Junior Member level 2
Junior Member level 2
Jun 26, 2003
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i want to use PIC 16F84, 16F877 and AVR in my project....can any one of u has used some C based cross compiler for these controllers?....
i have used keil (for x51) there any similar software awailable for PIC or AVR?....?

codevision pic

For AVR you have:

-AVR GCC free but a little complex
-CodeVision, IAR, ICC commercial, you can find demos limited in code size. codevision seems easier.

For PIC:
- Hi-tech C PICCLITE freeware for PIC16F84, PIC16F627 and PIC16F877 (but up to 2K code only), however it is ANSI C.
- CC5X same code limitations in demo version

gcc pic compiler

For PIC:
- Hi-tech C PICCLITE freeware for PIC16F84, PIC16F627 and PIC16F877 (but up to 2K code only), however it is ANSI C.
- CC5X same code limitations in demo ver

Nobody mention the CCS C compiler which is very friendly and has the best relationship features/price.


iar c compiler pic

CCS seems to be nice too, but I don't think it is ANSI C, Anyone tried the IAR PIC C compiler?

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C for PICs

**broken link removed**


pic c compiler gcc

Faisal Khan said:
i want to use PIC 16F84, 16F877 and AVR in my project....can any one of u has used some C based cross compiler for these controllers?....
i have used ke*il (for x51) there any similar software awailable for PIC or AVR?....?
The only C compiler that is made for both AVR and PIC is IAR, but IAR compilers are very expensive, but also some of the best.
IAR is fully ANSI-C which makes the code easier to port from PIC to AVR and other MCU's.

For AVR you can choose between:
IAR: Embedded Workbench Atmel AVR
HP InfoTech: CodeVisionAVR
ImageCraft: ICCAVR / ICCtiny:
AVR GCC (freeware): **broken link removed**

For PIC you can choose between:
IAR: Embedded Workbench PICmicro 16/17 / PICmicro PIC18 / dsPIC:
Microchip: MPLAB C17 / C18 / C30 (no compiler for PIC16)
Bytecraft: MPC PIC 12/14/16/17:
B Knudsen Data: CC5X / CC8E
Pavel: C2C:

For PIC I would choose between IAR, HI-TECH and CCS (and maybe Microchip's own?). For AVR you can choose between all four compilers, they are all good. I general AVR compilers are better quality than PIC compilers, probably because of the more C friendly architechture of AVR compare to PIC, but it have improved with the new PIC18 architechture.
AVR was designed with help from IAR to begin with, to make it more C friendly.
When the PIC was first designed, it wasn't meant to be used with a compiler, but only assembly.
In general good quality AVR compilers are cheaper than PIC compilers.

The easiest compilers to use for beginners is CodeVision (AVR), ImageCraft (AVR) and CodeVision (PIC). All three has a CodeWizard, to generate fast code for init. and drivers. Something similar can be found with IAR's MAkeAPP. CodeVision and CCS are not fully ANSI-C compatible, this probably helps them getting more userfriendly and device specific, but it also makes it harder to port the code for another compiler/architechture.

The only free compiler available is AVR GCC for AVR, but the quality is still good and it's ANSI-C.

IAR and HI-TECH is probably the two compilers that is most similar to KEIL, they are both ANSI-C and very professional (and expensive).
If money is not an issue I would probably choose IAR, you can get IAR compilers for almost every 8-, 16- and 32-bit bit architechture at the available, including AVR, PIC and the x51 which you are used to.

Here's a good article about wich C compiler to choose for AVR:
Which C-compiler should I choose?
The IAR compiler will not be reviewed at this stage, as this document is intended for beginners to AVR, and quite frankly the IAR compiler is out of the price range of most beginners (and some businesses!). It is however reputed to be a good compiler and those interested should check out.
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easiest pic compiler

Search engines are your friend, just ask sourceforge about microchip word, and You will find a lot of good stuff.

code vision for pic

HI-TECH PIC C Compiler and MPLAB are the best for PIC

codevision for pic

They have C compiler for booth PIC and AVR controlers and it is very nice and not expensive.


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Hi !

IAR now offers a FREE 4 ko limited C compiler for AVR family !!

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Evaluation version with limitations both in code size (4k), and in the service and support that is provided.
The limitations of the KickStart edition are as follows:
- The code limit of IAR KickStart C compiler is set by the license management system. It will not generate any assembler code output.
- The library source code is not available in the KickStart version.
- The IAR Assembler delivered is the full version without any restrictions.
- The IAR XLINK Linker will link the number of bytes up to the preset code size for the compiler, originating from C source code, but an unlimited amount of code originating from assembler code.
- The IAR KickStart C-SPY Debugger is restricted to the same limit as the compiler."

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CCS is nice compiler. I have been using it for a almost year.

Application: I am working at ATE term of the telecommunication company.

1. EEPROM Write/Read
2. Easy handle RS232
3. Timer interrupt
4. Control I/O


Again. The chip I am working on is 16F876. I am thinking to move to 18F252 since more program memory

For future development. I am going to use CCS to do the following things:

1) USB to RS232 interface
2) JTAG Interface

We done the following interface things:

1) I2C to RS232 converter
2) RS232 to I2C converter
3)SPI to RS232 converter

Easy to do those convertion things using CCS

mplab c-compiler free cc5x

Take a look at
**broken link removed**

The second one is in french,:oops: use babelfish to translate it :wink:

hi-tech ansi c compiler

I think that HI-TECH PIC C Compiler and MPLAB are the best.
good luck.

/ Warning #1 - Stop spamming!
You have already posted this answer once earlier in this topic!

- ME

free c complier for pic 16f84

for pic:you can use ccs(download it from ccs pic site )
or mplab (download it from microchip sate)

pcw compiler download

For PIC you go for CCS C compiler. It is very nice.


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I also recommend the CCS-Compiler für PICs, but if your Code has to work on PICs and AVRs without major changes, you have to use the IAR-Compiler. This is as far as I know the only compiler, that supports cross-compilation.

CCS is pretty cheep, about 130$ per license while IAR is pretty expensive...

When using CCS, you have to know about minor bugs and how to get arround them. Google is your friend in these cases - CCS is pretty often used by home-users and smaller companies. Don't waste your free update with a minor new release. You can get your free update even after 3 years and have a complete new version with all new devices...

16f87x +spi +cc5x

anybody here using picbasic pro compiler?
i guess it can be use for microchip pic mcu only

cc5x eeprom 16f84

Try PICClite HitechC compiler its full ANSI C compiler

pcw c compiler ide download

BoostC C compiler is much more powerful than CCS (actually it rivals Hi-Tech), it's free, comes with advanced ide, clock accurate simulators, MPLAB integration, plugin system that emulates real devices etc. BoostC is a part of SourceBoost installation. Available to download from **broken link removed**


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