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Smartmedia source code - c code

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Newbie level 1
I have an ST10 project that requires a smartmedia card for data storage, this must be compatible with windows storage fat16/32.

The data I store on the card must be readable by PC. does anyone have the 'C' code for such a project.

Thanks in advance

I don't have any code, but I can upload the various specs if you are interested.

The ones I have are:

Electrical Specifications (300k)
Logical Format Specifications (180k)
Physical Format Specifications (230k)
Physical Format Specifications (230k)

Maybe you should contact your local Toshiba sale office at first, they provide some reference code for their customers which purchase Smart Meda (NAND chip) cards. Otherwise try contact SSFDC forum, there are also some reference codes delivered as software IP.

hi all

tanx fot this topic.i have same problem itry write with mcu(8051) in smartmedia with "Standard pc file format" for example text and read by PC can help me for this topic

I have in use a library from Samsung - also for a ST10. You can get it for free - ask them for a Reference C Source Code.
Goto h**p://w* - there you will find informations about SmartMedia and their email address.


If you go to the FTDI website, find with Google, they have an application note for a USB to Smart card reader, you can download the code for a Scenic micro or a Pic Chip. Maybe you could port the code?
Good luck!!!

btbass said:
If you go to the FTDI website, find with Google, they have an application note for a USB to Smart card reader, you can download the code for a Scenic micro or a Pic Chip. Maybe you could port the code?
Good luck!!!

I'm currently writing the firmware for the USB Card Reader used for SM/xD media cards; however the Logical/Physical Address Translation Table cost me too much RAM space. One bad news is that i found that the other chip designs all utilize a very small RAM space. Therefore it's very crucial for me to figure out how this is realized.

Could you please specify the detailed web link or could you tell me how to realize the translation table implementation! for example, how to implement the 1GB xD reader firmware.

Thanks in advance,


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