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SIM900 Customer Flash Loader

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The speed setting of 115200, which is the default speed in the flashloader tool is the only one I ever got to work reliably, whatever the module baud rate is.

See also my comments above about the power switch input

thx for ur post but my error didnt fix..

it makes me crazy

Hi everyone,
Good news. The problem i was having is solved - it was the power switch. Not holding it on was the cause of the problem for me. I had read it was only needed as a momentary action to start the process - I found this was not the case.
I will describe the process I used.

1. AT+IPR - set it to 115200 as chipseller suggested. I recall this from elsewhere & I think I did the Arduino shields this way in the past
2. I avoided arduino boards & software serial (due to the baud limits of softwareserial) - I used an FT232 module USB-TTL module(sparkfun one)
3. Used TTL logic level HW (freetronics) to get 2.8V TTL (my module has no logic conv on board)
4. RTS & CTS - left unused & open
5.Used Customer Flash loader v1.01 (set to 115200)
6. Started process with module power off
7. Initiated flash loader - it starts then waits for module pwr up.
8. Powered up module & held power sw on for the whole upgrade (dont laugh, I wanted to be sure)
9. All working.

Thanks all for the helpful advice.
Benham9856 - I hope yours works out ok.

refsmmat thanks...

now my flash memory erased and i can not turn it on to change its baud rate to 115200... because i changed it to 9600...

but i will do your way ASAP!

thanks a lot dude.
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refsmmat thanks...

now my flash memory erased and i can not turn it on to change its baud rate to 115200... because i changed it to 9600...

but i will do your way ASAP!

thanks a lot dude.

No worries.
It wasn't really 'my' way - I amalgamated a lot of the SIM900 comments I found here & elsewhere.
Setting the initial module baud rate to 115200 was a help for me - plus the power sw state during upgrade.

Off topic - the SIM900 is sensational for work with FTP. There is surprisingly little FTP code around the ethernet arduino modules (If I am wrong, please advise - still working in this area). I have been using them for remote logging with good success.



i use sim900 and firmware

i also use mic for ivrs
when there is no voice transfer form modem to mobile.....dtmf are working
but when there is a voice transfer from modem to mobile.....dtmf are not working properly ,some time randomly dtmf are skip...

For example
no voice from modem to mobile
send dtmf 12345
in hyper-terminal
voice from modem to mobile
send dtmf 12345
in hyper-terminal

any one help me !!!!

i read all the 14 pages and i don't know which is the good version of firmware to use MMS on my SIM900BE module
the original version is 1137B39SIM900B32 so i can't use the version 1137b08sim900m64_st_dtmf_jd_mms
which is the good version ?

Help me please, AT+CGATT=1 error response..

MMS used HTTP protocol, so you need to attached your modem to gprs..

Please help me...

Yay, I got the Sim900 EAT system working too.

I started off using the SimDevIDE tool however I thought it nicer to use Eclipse. After some experimentation I got Eclipse compiling using RVCT.

It is possible to set Eclipse up to compile using either RVCT or GCC.

After some more experimentation (and help from simcom) we got the free GCC compiler working using EAT on Eclsipse. You need to use the EABI GCC compiler then that is really nice since you see compiler errors nicely highlighted in red. You get the usual code completion and basic C++ syntax checks.

Maybe I will set up a page showing how to set it all up if anyone is interested. Running EAT on the SIM900 using GCC or RVCT

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    Points: 2
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Hi Harley,
I am intereted in "Maybe I will set up a page showing how to set it all up if anyone is interested. Running EAT on the SIM900 using GCC or RVC", could you let me know when you setup this page!


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Hi All Good Guys,
I looking for as 1137B05SIM900B32_ST firmware. It seem that this version is having better Handsfree Echo Cancellation compare that the newer version that I recently ordered. Please assist me.


Hi Ichan

These are the latest two builds for the M64_ST. The version you have is one of the Embedded AT Beta builds and, as you say, is ancient. Both of these builds include EAT functionality (see thedinukas comments). I have never actually implemented the EAT functionality as I do not have the compiler

hello Chipseller,

i am able to built sample project of embedded at with SIM DevIDE but for the coresw version, can you please tell me if 1137B10SIM900M64 has embedded functionality.
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Hello members
i hv got new query. I hv recently got SIM900 AT command V1.06. There are lots of new at commands are added. One the new at command i noticed is "AT+CMGS="><index>" note: v1.06 4.2.17. this command u can find on page#120.

This command let SIM900 module to fetch recipient mobile# direct from memory phone book w.r.t "index#" . So this command actually makes some processing task easy for embedded coding, when user wants to send SMS from memory stored mobile no, insted of putting mobile# each time for sms sending.

but when i tired dis command for firmware: 1137B09SIM900M64_ST , i got error. I also check some recent firmware release note for supported firmware for at command version 1.06, but der is no information on it.

So can anyone share information about it, that which firmware version for SIM900 support the new AT command V 1.06 ? If der is new Firmware released for SIM900, please share with community.

Hello Everyone
It looks like I got my answer to my query myself. It found out that this command v1.06 is supported to Firmware: 1137B12SIM900M64_ST. It realease notes shows this firmware support new Command V1.06.
get the latest firmware from dis FTP . Download new Firmware to your SIM900 and enjoy new AT commands ... :grin:
Thank you.

Chinmay Das
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refsmmat thanks...

now my flash memory erased and i can not turn it on to change its baud rate to 115200... because i changed it to 9600...

but i will do your way ASAP!

thanks a lot dude.

Hello Behnam
Are you able to fix this problem? I was trying to load new firmware, but accidentally my flash memory got erased , and i abort the process of loading. Now whn retry to load the flash, module is not turning on. as i see you faced the exact same problem, can u help out to fix it. my baud rate previously set @ 115200.


Yay, I got the Sim900 EAT system working too.

I started off using the SimDevIDE tool however I thought it nicer to use Eclipse. After some experimentation I got Eclipse compiling using RVCT.

It is possible to set Eclipse up to compile using either RVCT or GCC.

After some more experimentation (and help from simcom) we got the free GCC compiler working using EAT on Eclsipse. You need to use the EABI GCC compiler then that is really nice since you see compiler errors nicely highlighted in red. You get the usual code completion and basic C++ syntax checks.

Maybe I will set up a page showing how to set it all up if anyone is interested. Running EAT on the SIM900 using GCC or RVCT


Hello Harley

Nice to know you got success with SIM900 EAT. I have been working on EAT for last 2 weeks,so far i can compile code for EAT on SIM900 IDE using RVCT2.2_616 (cracked versin) . it is not genuine ARm compiler. as ARM is not supporting old compiler any more. i got it dnld 4m a different forum. as i mentioned above i can compile the codes without any errors, but i noticed firmware files (e.g *.cla) are not generating properly with this compiler. It wud be gr8 if u cud show us your work here and the procedures.

Thank You.

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