Advanced Member level 5

I assume that the "noise floor" in some measurements is caused by a rectangular FFT window not corresponding exactly to an integer number of sine periods. You'll better use something like a Hann window.
As already stated by others, there are no noise sources modelled in a transient simulation, thus you'd expect a much lower spurious signal floor due to numerical inaccuracy. THD in contrast seems to be real, the non-linearity is designed into your amplifier. GBW of 16 MHz is not sufficient to reduce it by means of feedback for a 2 MHz signal.
Dear FvM,
Thank you once again,
I will try next time to use different type of window, like the Hann you suggested then I will update my result,
I see that you all agree that the value of the THD I am reading from spectrum or by Suta setup is real, Ok then I will consider this measurement to improve my linearity.
You also agree that there is no source of noise is included in my circuit so basically I can not measure the SNR, then the question is how the spectrum is calculating the ENOB ?
if you say that Spectrum is mistakenly considering the non real noise appears in the spectrum then it means I should not consider these values from my Spectrum, I will only consider the THD.
Please FvM I can see some papers are giving the SNR for their opamp, and the paper is only about the opamp no ADC or oter circuit is included, so how they provide such value ??
the last but not the least, can the THD effect the ENOB, for me I don't think so, as you already said THD is related to non-linearity distortion, and ENOB is related to the noise and signal level.
Thank you very much once again
Best Regards