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Script to list process and kill a specific simulation


Newbie level 5
Newbie level 5
Feb 17, 2022
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I am trying to run a simulation. But the CIW window of Virtuoso shows:

WARNING (ADE-1019): A simulation is currently running. You must wait until the current simulation is done to run another simulation.

But when I click on "Stop Simulation Symbol", it reacts with:

INFO (ADE-3072): Simulation is stopped by user. Simulation results may not be complete.

But after I click on "Run" it shows the same warning (ADE-1019) again.
So, can anyone tell me the manual process to stop a ADE L simulation by the script of CIW in Virtuoso or any other method is welcome.

Thank you

Screenshot from 2024-05-20 14-46-57.png
You may have some kind of "lock-file" problem.

ps -u {userName} should show you all running PIDs.

I do not know how ADE locks sessions but you might
look in and under the run directory for "mystery files"
whose name suggests such a role. \

Or just get out of ADE and start over with a clean empty
run-folder picked, and copy in anything that you know
for sure belongs (in schematic driven simulation, probably
little or none that doesn't get generated for you).
You may have some kind of "lock-file" problem.

ps -u {userName} should show you all running PIDs.

I do not know how ADE locks sessions but you might
look in and under the run directory for "mystery files"
whose name suggests such a role. \

Or just get out of ADE and start over with a clean empty
run-folder picked, and copy in anything that you know
for sure belongs (in schematic driven simulation, probably
little or none that doesn't get generated for you).
I don't think its about locking the ADE session. It looks like some kind of software cache memory got full and need to restart it (Just my guess). I will try your 1st method which seems quite interesting.

But the one you shared in 2nd, from that I got the idea of restarting ADE to solve this issue.
First I saved the spectre_state file of ADE and closed it. Then re-opened it and load the saved spectre_state. Now I can run the ADE.

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