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RTOS for Atmel ATMega 16

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Oct 20, 2004
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atmega rtos

Anyone got a good, fast and solid RTOS for Atmels Mega 16 processor to recommend? Preferably freeware. :)

rtos atmega

I got this text fro winAVR readme:

4.7 Operating Systems
While an Operating System, or RTOS, isn't necessary to write software for
the AVR, there may be times when it is desirable. Here are some links for
free or Open Source Operating Systems / Environments for the AVR:

AvrX is a Real-Time Multitasking Kernel.

EtherNut - Nut/OS
Ethernut is an Open Source Hardware and Software Project for building
Embedded Ethernet Devices. It contains Nut/OS which is an intentionally
simple RTOS for the ATmega128, which provides a minimum of services to run
Nut/Net, the TCP/IP stack.

FreeRTOS is a portable, open source, mini Real Time Scheduler (or mini
RTOS kernel).

TinyOS is a component-based runtime environment designed to provide
support for deeply embedded systems which require concurrency intensive
operations while constrained by minimal hardware resources.

Contiki is an Internet-enabled operating system and desktop environment
for a number of smallish systems.

XMK - eXtreme Minimal Kernel
XMK is a preemptive multitasking scheduler/kernel for 8bit
microcontrollers. Its goal is to provide a bare bones RTOS with a small
enough footprint (RAM+ROM) to run on 8bit microcontrollers.
atmega16 rtos

AvrX is verry nice , but make sure you check the axrx group at yahoo , thats where the latest source is , and the author posts and ansvers questions there.


atmega os

I used freertos in a project using an ATMega16. and it was tough since the stack requirements for the FreeRtos are pretty high, I could only manager 4 tasks.

freertos atmega128

jacos source code is not give with its LIB,there is no document in english on it also,does any one have source and doc?

Does anyone know a free and open source cooperative RTOS ?

atmega operating system

I think uCos-II is good RTOS. It's free to try and there are two good books.

atmega128 rtos

uCOS-II need large amount of RAM and is suitable for mega64,128 or higher.

I contact the jaCOS author(jacos is very similar to salvo according to replies on this site) but he said I only sell its source in russia!I do not understand the reason(maybe he have copyright problem with salvo?!)

I think uCos-II is good RTOS. It's free to try and there are two good books.

please send link for both books.

atmega168 rtos

I don't now the reason for this marekt policy.

Some times ago there was a great flame abut the (C) on jacos. I read some articles from autor and understand the following. There is no pirated sources, included in jacos (even in Russia in is dangerouse). But some data structures are equals to uCOS and Salvo. As autor expalins, anybody, who read the books on theese OS'es and books on theory of RTOS, will uses the same structires, decause they are optimal.

For axample, if you code use algorithms from Knut book, and other code use the same algotithms, do you pirated some sourses?

P.S. A have no any connection to jacos project, I use uCOS on ARM, but I find, that some of jacos's ideas is very intetesting, and this os is very fast.

atmega32 rtos

7rots51> I contact the jaCOS author(jacos is very similar to salvo according to replies on this site) but he said I only sell its source in russia!

It's misunderstanding. No alone source texts for sell at all. Anyone can purchase technical support (sources are included in it). The language of this technical support is Russian only.

7rots51> > I do not understand the reason(maybe he have copyright problem with salvo?!)

Heh... The reason is one - I don't know English good enough to provide correct support.

freertos atmega

To Perec:
The reason is one - I don't know English good enough to provide correct support

It seems your english is good and enough for support.

I think translating from russia to english is not a hard task and is easier than writing a professional RTOS,If you can sell out of russia( only source code and docs in english )Jacos will have many customers.

What is price of JACOS is russia?(in USD)

rtos atmega128

hi all
any body here have used AVRX with ATMega32??
please if one so send me a simple example.
many thanks :)

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