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relation between snr and Eb/No

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relation between eb/no and snr


may be someone can explain the connection between the C/N and SNR?

Thank you

c/n snr


I aslo want to know more abt this matter


difference between snr and ebno


The question about SNR (also referred as S/N, C/N, or (Co+No)/No ) relation to Eb/No typically arises in link budget analysis. E.g. in satcom the demodulator Eb/No threshold for given FEC can be found in datasheet / manual of the unit, while according C/N required to input into the link budget is often unknown.

Here's what I found in page B-2 of manual of CDM600 satellite communications modem by Comtech EFData:
**broken link removed**

Eb/No = 10*log(10^((Co+No)/No)/10)-1) - 10*log(FEC Code Rate) - 10*log(bits/symbol)

• Eb/No and (Co+No)/No are expressed in dB
• Bits/symbol = 1 for BPSK
• Bits/symbol = 2 for QPSK
• Bits/symbol = 3 for 8-PSK
• Bits/symbol = 4 for 16-QAM

eb/no formula

refer to this link : "Channel Capacity in AWGN"

difference between snr and eb/n0

pthoppay said:

Signal Power(S)= (no.of bits)* Eb

N= No* B(bandwidth of signal)


S/N= (n*Eb)/(No*B)


hi just wondering that Eb is signal energy per bit. so how come signal power= no of bits * Eb

shouldnt it be signal energy=no of bits* Eb?

or is it so that energy and power have same meaning when it comes to signals?

elaborate please

snr to eb/no

S/N = signal to noise ratio.
when E comes in to the picture means enargy and energy = power * time. so the term related to time or 1/time must be included. if we want in decibal then multiplication will be converted in to addition so
we can say that Eb/No(dB) = S/N(dB) + 10*LOG(BW(Hz) / BitRate(Hz))

eb no formula

A good explanation you will find at:

S. Benedetto, M. Mondin, and G. Montorsi, "Performance Evaluation of
Trellis-Coded Modulation Schemes," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 82, No. 6,
pp. 832-855, June 1994.

On page number 836. I am implementing a BER calculator to M-QAM systems and defronted me with this same problem.
There are other methods, but I believe to QAM this may be OK.

snr es n0

gurpreet said:
can anybody tell me the exact relationship between SNR and Eb/No?

Can someone confirm me if the relation:

Eb/No = S/(N * log2(M) ) is correct?

Because I achieved the following

C/N = SNR * 1/log2(M) + 10 log (4) in the case of using 16-QAM modulation..

And I would like it someone could confirm it to me!

Thanks in advanced

difference between c/i and eb/no


In an M-ary system :
Es/N0 (dB)=Eb/N0(dB) +log2(k) ,where k=code rate×log2(M)

(when coding is not used ,code rate is equal to 1)

Es/N0(dB)=10log10(Tsymbol/Tsampling) + SNR(dB)

hence , the realtion between Eb/No and SNR is given by :

Eb/N0(dB)=SNR(dB) + 10log10(Tsymbol/Tsampling) - log2(k)


snr and eb no

amihomo said:

In an M-ary system :
Es/N0 (dB)=Eb/N0(dB) +log2(k) ,where k=code rate×log2(M)

(when coding is not used ,code rate is equal to 1)

Es/N0(dB)=10log10(Tsymbol/Tsampling) + SNR(dB)

hence , the realtion between Eb/No and SNR is given by :

Eb/N0(dB)=SNR(dB) + 10log10(Tsymbol/Tsampling) - log2(k)


Thanks for the explanation.. but I'm still in doubt about my formula.. if it is correct or not my direct relation between C/N and SNR.
I found the following paper in the page of Rhode & Schwarz but I don't know if I can apply the 1st formula because of the roll-off factor once I'm using DVB-T system.
And I need to be certain of the formula to allow me to compare my results in SNR scale with the DVB-H results I have in C/N scale.

Any help on my subject will be welcome!!

Thanks in advanced!


eb no equations

if the SNR and Eb/No is same then why we say better communicatiuon sysytem is with less Eb/No and large S/N is better..
how its possible...........
e?n and SNR is not same.plz comments

eb n0

the difference between them is PG.

relation between snr and eb/no

please can someone tell me about snr or eb/no in MIMO OFDM, for example i want to compare the performance (ber vs snr) of direct channel ofdm with 2x1 stbc-ofdm. how to make it comparable.


snr eb/no c/no

i use it thanks for all ur reply

Snr = signal power / noise power
= Ps/Pn
= Ps/(No*W)
=(R/W)* Ps/((R/W) * No)

Since additive white gaussian noise is used bandwidth W here corresponds to the bandwidth of the signal.

very nice informations , than you very much

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