Question regarding Simatic s7 300 , CPU 313 C : About indication of the lights presen

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Sep 12, 2011
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Question regarding Simatic s7 300 , CPU 313 C :

About indication of the lights present on the cpu body ......

what's connector X11 ?

The connector X11 has 40 screw connectors ....... 20 on left side vertically & remaining 20 on the right side vertically ....... but the indication lights are only 16 ..... starting from numbering 0 to 7 & again from numbering 0 to 7 vertically ........

So, if any of the light is lit i.e. input is high ..... then how to correspond that indication light with a particular input (as serial wise no. is mentioned on the screws of the connector X11) ???

If 7 no. is lit then which screw terminal has the high input ?


Simatic Manual, 03/2011, A5E00105505-07 . 630 pages (8.8MB)

SIMATIC S7-300 S7-300 Automation System Module Data

Read this....


1. Chapter overview of which modules are available and described here
2. Overview of essential module properties
3. Steps in selecting and commissioning the digital module
4. General information, i.e. global data applicable to all digital modules (parameter
assignment and diagnostics, for example)
5. Module-specific information (properties, connection and block diagrams, technical data
and special features of the module):
a) for digital input modules
b) for digital output modules
c) for relay output modules
d) for digital IO modules

especially pages 62...226

Are " status display green " the indicating lights of inputs ???

So, 2 corresponds to status display green 0 , 9 corresponds to status display green 7 ????

thank Ya

Are " status display green " the indicating lights of inputs ???
what these two upper part are called & what are their numbers, the left one & the right one ?

Example picture....

Other modules look SIMATIC S7-300 S7-300 Automation System Module Data manual in post #2

SM 321; DI 32 x DC 24 V in page 69
SM 321; DI 32 x AC 120 V in page 72
SM 321; DI 16 x DC 24 V in page 75
SM 321; DI 16 x DC 24 V High Speed in page 78


SM 327; DI 8/DO 8 x DC 24 V/0.5 A, programmable in page 221

SIMATIC S7-300 MODULES (124 pages )
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so IS it mean that when input connected to connector pin no. 2 is high then 0 status green display must light up (talking about x connector) ?

right ?

As you can see in example picture and pictures in manual
there is led connected in series with input opto-isolator and resistor
direct to input pin.
and so for 3 (connector input terminal) the 1 led status display green would light up ??? Right

thanks a lot KAK , thanks very much

what i understand, i think you're right .......... let's see what KAK111 says on this

In example picture (post#5) and pictures in manual (web address in post#2)

Simatic Manual, 03/2011, A5E00105505-07 . 630 pages (8.8MB)

Digital input module SM 321; DI 32 x DC 24 V
in in manual page 69
are drawn input circuits only for pins 2 and 22.
In red circles are led 0 for address byte x (upper left)
and led 0 for address byte (x+2) (upper right).
Exact similar circuits are in pin 3 and 23 for
led 1 for address byte x (upper left)
and led 1 for address byte (x+2) (upper right).
And so on for all inputs and led´s.....

Another example : SM 321; Digital Input Card 8 x AC 120/230 V ISOLATED
in data manual page 109

Input X.0 in pins 1 and 4 ( isolated ac circuit )
-bridge rectifier and current limiter for LED 0
-opto-isolator for PLC bus interface

Same circuits for every inputs and leds.

One more example : SM 322; Digital Output Card 16 x DC 24 V/ 0.5 A
in data manual page 135

-signal coming from PLC bus interface via optoisolator
-and output driver to output pin 2 and led 0 ( output byte address X.0 )
Similar circuits for every output pins.

I hope , this is clear and understood now.

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thanks a lot ........ what about CPU 313 c

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Can we just connect the laptop or notebook or any PC (having the required Software like for Siemens Simatic S 7) with the PLC CPU with the help of connector cable to see and edit the program (whether ladder logic or functional block etc) ?

What type of cable is required to connect PLC CPUs 200, 313c, etc with the PC ? Can we make that connector by ourselves ?


Can we just connect the laptop or notebook or any PC (having the required Software like for Siemens Simatic S 7) with the PLC CPU with the help of connector cable to see and edit the program (whether ladder logic or functional block etc) ?

Programming with STEP 7 V5.3 : Manual ( 570 pages )
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more info:

What type of cable is required to connect PLC

for example : Simatic S7 PC adapter USB SIEMENS MODEL NUMBER 6ES7 972-0CB20-0XA0
other cables check Siemens web-sites

Can we make that connector by ourselves ?

Try google. Suppose : may not be found..... and no more comments
Regarding the CPU 226XM AC/DC/RLY



Kindly provide me their data ...

I checked all the outputs of these CPU & module and they're giving off the 110 Vac output but their inputs are + 24Vdc .... So, does it mean that , the programmer of the PLC program used the Relay output ?


S7-200 Programmable Controller System Manual (544 pages)


More datas and infos about S7-200 you found in.....

I checked all the outputs of these CPU & module and they're giving off the 110 Vac output but their inputs are + 24Vdc

This mean digital input module is +24Vdc type and digital output module is AC relay type.
What might happen bad to the PLC CPU or its modules, if we connect the DMM selected on DC volts range to the outputs of the CPU or its modules while their outputs are AC Relay Type ?

Also, what might happen to the DMM ?

thanks very much KAK111, so nice of you

Dmm input impedance is very high when the higher voltage range is selected,
so it does not damage the circuit under test

Dmm in ac-range can not be damaged when measuring the dc voltage (if range is ok)

Dmm in dc-range when measuring the ac voltage can be damaged , if the meter protection circuit
can not handle the negative part of the ac.

The most dangerous situation arises when the Dmm area is selected in current measurements
and is used as voltage measurement.

In this case, the input impedance of the DMM is very low and
connecting the meter to the tested circuit , short-circuit has been caused.

The result is usually damage in the meter and failure to the circuit.
what do you mean by range is ok ? How the selected range be ok ? Should select the range on higher side always and then reduce it as per the requirements & the measurements, right ??

---------- Post added at 23:47 ---------- Previous post was at 23:44 ----------

How can i be sure that the DMM that i have or i'm going to purchase have the meter circuit protection that handle the negative part of the AC ?

thanks a lot in bundles

Should select the range on higher side always and then reduce it as per the requirements & the measurements, right ??

This is exactly what I meant.

How can i be sure that the DMM that i have or i'm going to purchase have the meter circuit protection that handle the negative part of the AC ?

Read part : Multimeter safety

How to Select a Handheld DMM That is RIGHT for You
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