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Proteus 6 errors when trying to assign VDD pin

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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
Jun 27, 2001
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Is anybody here who know how to simulate circuit with PIC12508 MC and this kind of power supply that connected to VDD and VSS of MC. Direct assignment to +5 or predefined variable(VDD,VSS) is not interested cause i need to simulate MC behavior during the rise time of supply voltage till it became stable. ANY Ideas?

Added after 10 minutes:

schematic to above message

not found whilst binding pin v+


Not sure what you mean, but if you will implament a Power up timer in the MCU it will only turn on after the power will stablize.
The Power-Up Timer is also enabled through the configuration bits. The Power-Up
Timer or PWRT provides a time-out period to allow the VDD to rise to an acceptable
level to prevent ambiguous operation.
It operates on an internal RC oscillator that provides a nominal 72ms delay.
When Brown-Out Reset is used the Power-Up Timer is always enabled. Power-Up
Timer is always enabled when Brown-Out Reset is enabled, even if Power-Up
Timer is disabled. They work together to allow VDD to rise to an acceptable level
after a Brown-Out Reset .
Please see your device specifications for Power-Up Timer .

You also have the Brown out Reset:

Brown-Out Reset
BOR resets the CPU
* Triggered when VDD to drop below VBOR
* BOR will continue to reset part if voltage is below VBOR
* When VDD rises above VBOR, the device is held in reset for additional time by PWRT
* BOR is re-triggered if VDD drops below VBOR

More inforamtion you can read at

vdd vss pspice pin

I use proteus 6 for simulation and when i try to assign VDD pin ( 1pin) to V1 for bind whit "+" (port V1) i got error:

"Warning: [U1_#P] SPICE failed to connect pin V+!
Warning: [Y00FB38BC] SPICE failed to connect pin 1!
FATAL: [U1_ADC#0000] Node V1 not found whilst binding pin V+ of U1_ADC#0000!

Simulation FAILED due to fatal simulator errors."

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