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Programmer schematic for AT89c2051 on paralell port

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Member level 5
Feb 17, 2005
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Anyone has a simple programmer schematic for AT89c2051 on paralell port?

89c2051 programmer

If you want things to be easy, then go for as in system programmable chips like 89SXX. I cannot find anything better then **broken link removed**
**broken link removed**

at89c2051 programming

Hi pkedvessy

Seems that the keylogger really burns your fingers.
Because you didn't succceed to find one circuit diagram based on AVR, at the end turns to AT89C2051.

Programmer for AT89C2051:
At the bottom page you'll find links to other programmer if the one above don't works as you expected.
**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**


programming at89c2051

Hi silvio,

I never ever thought that this programmer would be that easy!!


at89c2051 programer

For this programmer, can I use the PC 5V and 12V without any new item?

programmer 89c2051

Yes you can use the PC 5v and 12v, obvious through a switch. You can't plug the
micro in socket with power supply already applied.

To be honest I didn't tried the mentioned programmer:

but I build up with success the:
**broken link removed**
you can see the original developed by Herny Arndt, DL2TM here:

What it's weird with the is
that wouldn't be able to verify the micro after programming. My private opinion! Just because during verify the RST pin must be hold at "H" level which is +5v. You can see from the schematics that the RST pin goes toward ground when Q1 is biased and toward +12v when locked (during programming). Nevertheless, can you be so sure that after power supply is applied to the circuit, the parallel pin 14 is at high level ?.
Otherwise you must check with a DVM before fitting the microcontroller, just to avoid damage it.
What it will happen if your parallel port wouldn't provide bidirectional data bus features ?

Inside AT89C2051 data sheet it's clearly stated (pag 6):
To verify the programmed data, lower RST from 12V to
logic “H” level and set pins P3.3 to P3.7 to the appropiate
levels. Output data can be read at the port P1 pins.

You can see a good design at:
Look at the circuit Q1, D2, Q2, D1, R1 around the RST pin and you can figure out why I mentioned all these things above.


tafe programmer

I can't buy BC 328, and BC 239!
Which type of transistor can I use?

dl2tm programmer

The current required by RST pin is max. 250 micro amper.
Thus you can use any npn and pnp general purpose transistors.

at89c2051 programmer circuit

Hi kob,

I don't know your advertise has to do with the subject but I take it like a joke.
It's like an elephant and ant.

at89c2051 prog

I want to find the simplest and cheapest way to program this chip! So the original Atmel programmel is too complicated...

how to program at89c2051

suromenggolo said:
please look form atmel site h**p://

The Atmel implementation has the same disadvantage: it's useless if your parallel port it's not able to provide bidirectional feature.
But has more flexible setting of the voltage applied to RST pin (between 11,5 - 12,5v according to data sheet) by simply changing slightly the value of R5 (pag 5 of doc).


programmer for at89c2051

What do you think? BC182 and BC212 are good?

parallel 89lp-isp download

YES, are perfect for application.

programmer for 89c2051


Please help me how I can use the programmer from this site with windows xp! It doesn't work for me! Can I make some settings in the BIOS or any other???

at89c2051 serial programmer

Ok, its work now, but after the burn operation, it say: Verify failed at adress: 0000h! Its normal, or something works wrong???

Added after 46 minutes:

So, after the burn I tryed to read out the chip, and I got this:
00BB 00BB 00BB 00BB ...
I dont no whats the problem! Can you help me??? Is it a hardware or a software problem??? Please help me!!!

Added after 3 hours 54 minutes:

I made a read out without the chip, and I got this source code:
00BB 00BB 00BB ... ... ...

I dont now whats the problem, I checked the hardwer and it seems to be good...

Added after 1 hours 12 minutes:


Now the programmer is work but there is still a litel problem!
I burn the chip without verify the code. After it I read out the chip, and the code is note the same with the original! Which was the first line in the source file, it goes to the last line in the readed file. And after another read out session, the second line will be the last in the readout file...

dl2tm programmer

The difference between simple and complex programmer


I made this ( **broken link removed** ) programmer and I have some problem with this!
I burn the source code (without any lock) and after it I read out the chip, and the original source code in the file, and the readout source are different, and if I read out again, this difference again from the last two file! The code is the same may be, the difference is "just" the start adress!!! Anyone know what's the problem????
(sorry about my english, i hope you understand the problem... :))

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