Assuming you are cycling through only 256 values (8 bits), then your update rate at 100Khz of the sawtooth implies you are outputting a 'new' data @ 100K x 256 = 25.6Mhz !! If you are cycling 10 bits, then it is even higher at >100Mhz. This is higher than your 'scopes BW and maybe causing some trouble.
Is this so ? Or are my calculations wrong ? Is your uC and code doing this ?
thanks,your calculation have a bit wrong items,
i build 100Khz freq with 52 samples of ramp signal.
in main loop jump steps defined output freq.
in 100Khz with 52sample update rate equal ~2Mhz.
number of bit only define resolution dac.
i don't know about osc probes property specs.
probes just have a trimmer cap in circuit for tuning signal edge at higher freq.
i try to make circuit on the pcb to decries parasitic capacitance.
but i have big problem with op-amp because output freq on op-amp spend big time on discharging signal and lost sharp rarmp signal.
i use a op-amp with higher slew rate but problem not solved...
- - - Updated - - -
The "before op amp" signal looks like you are loading the node with a big capacitance, e.g. 1:1 osciloscope probe. The OP output signal isn't plausible for a high speed OP and the circuit according to post #13. What's the actual slew rate achieved in this case? It can't be seen from the photos.
yes of course,dac output have a big rising time and falling time,after op-amp i have a sharped rising time and big falling time!!!
a big capacitance in my board.
i build pcb of circuit and try it again.
real circuit is matched by schematic.
in this picture actual slew rate is showed:
osc Time/Dive Set on 2us.
thanks for attention