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Post-layout simulation

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Jun 21, 2007
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post layout simulation

I have finished the Calibre PEX and successfully extracted the netlist.
But I do not know how to use the new netlist to run the post layout simulation
I tried to google it but seems there is no up-to-data guide on Cadence 6.1
Anybody could give me a guide?

post-layout simulation

fanshuo said:
I have finished the Calibre PEX and successfully extracted the netlist.
But I do not know how to use the new netlist to run the post layout simulation
I tried to google it but seems there is no up-to-data guide on Cadence 6.1
Anybody could give me a guide?

create a config view from hierarchy editor in cadence. it can let you simulate once you create the calibre view.

calibre pex user guide

fanshuo said:
Anybody could give me a guide?
For an alternate possibility s. my contribution from Sun, 16 Aug 2009 14:31 in this thread **broken link removed**.
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hierarchy editor postlayout simulation

wpchan05 said:
fanshuo said:
I have finished the Calibre PEX and successfully extracted the netlist.
But I do not know how to use the new netlist to run the post layout simulation
I tried to google it but seems there is no up-to-data guide on Cadence 6.1
Anybody could give me a guide?

create a config view from hierarchy editor in cadence. it can let you simulate once you create the calibre view.
can you explain a bit more in detail?I still can not follow the procedure

Added after 20 seconds:

erikl said:
fanshuo said:
Anybody could give me a guide?
For an alternate possibility s. my contribution from Sun, 16 Aug 2009 14:31 in this thread **broken link removed**.
where is the thread?
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post layout simulation errors

erikl said:
For an alternate possibility s. my contribution from Sun, 16 Aug 2009 14:31 in this thread **broken link removed**.
fanshuo said:
where is the thread?
Oh dear, just hit the URL lurking behind the above 2 words "this thread" (printed in light green) ! ;-)
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    Points: 2
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post layout simulations

read cadence hierarchy editor documentation for creating config view

config+cadence+post simulation

I followed the procedure of the document and right now I got this error during simulation

" ERROR (SFE-3): "XX/xx_.pex.netlist.pex" 8: `PM_xx_NET19' is being redefined."

post layout simulation cadence

oermens said:
read cadence hierarchy editor documentation for creating config view
I can not find the manual for it
can you upload one

post layout

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netlist layout simulation

" ERROR (SFE-3): "XX/xx_.pex.netlist.pex" 8: `PM_xx_NET19' is being redefined."
this error may be righted by deleting the schematic netlist from the test bench netlist.

My method:
The first step:setup a testbench for the circuit you want to run post simulation.extract this netlist(named tb_schematic_netlist here)
Second,rerange the port of the netlist extracted from the layout by XRC(named layout_netlist here).
Because the port order of the layout is different from the schematic .This step ensure that the port could be connected from the schematic to layout.
Third,delete the netlist of the instance from tb_schematic_netlist,add an include command to use the layout_netlist.
So,the schematic netlist is replaced by layout netlist.

cadence post layout simulation error

Can't we simply simulate from the terminal using the command "spectre net_pex.scs" after adding the important lines for including models & viewing outputs?

hi! i'm having the same problem, do you have any update on how you solved your problem? Thanks!

thanks erikl for your documentation! it really helped me solve this issue. thanks!

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