Plotting characteristics curve of Phase-frequency detector (PFD)

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.option POST
.temp 25
.GLOBAL gnd! vdd!

.param fund_period=2n
.param delta_phase_deg=0.0
.param tdelay='(delta_phase_deg/360)*fund_period'

xi12 vdd! down up out_clk ref_clk start pfdv2_sch
v17 start gnd! dc=0 pulse ( 0 1.8 500p 1p 0 0.5 1)

v16 out_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period+tdelay'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v2  ref_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v5 vdd! gnd! dc=1.8
c18 vctrl- gnd! c=.8p
c7 vctrl+ gnd! c=.8p
xi17 down up vctrl+ vctrl- cpv2_sch

.tran .1n 75n start=0
.sn tres='fund_period/10' period=fund_period
+ trinit='5*fund_period' maxtrinitcycles=5
+ sweep delta_phase_deg lin 101 -360 360
.op All 0
.option opfile=1 split_dp=1

.probe i1(c7)
.probe i2(c18)

I did what you said, then the only difference with the previous simulation is there is a .sn0 now
Show me time domain waveform of ref_clk and out_clk of .sn0.
I don't mean .tr0.

.option POST
.temp 25
.GLOBAL gnd! vdd!
c18 vctrl- gnd! c=.8p
c7 vctrl+ gnd! c=.8p
.probe i1(c7)
.probe i2(c18)
.probe snfd i(c7)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c7)[0]
.probe snfd i(c18)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c18)[0]
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Show me time domain waveform of i(c18) and i(c7) of .sn0
But can't see any i(c18) and i(c7).

I already inserted the .probe i(c18) i(c7) as what you advised.

.option POST
.temp 25

.GLOBAL gnd! vdd!

.param fund_period=2n
.param delta_phase_deg=0.0
.param tdelay='(delta_phase_deg/360)*fund_period'

xi12 vdd! down up out_clk ref_clk start pfdv2_sch
v17 start gnd! dc=0 pulse ( 0 1.8 500p 1p 0 0.5 1)

v16 out_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period+tdelay'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v2  ref_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v5 vdd! gnd! dc=1.8
c18 vctrl- gnd! c=.8p
c7 vctrl+ gnd! c=.8p
xi17 down up vctrl+ vctrl- cpv2_sch

.tran .1n 75n start=0
.sn tres='fund_period/10' period=fund_period
+ trinit='5*fund_period' maxtrinitcycles=5
+ sweep delta_phase_deg lin 101 -360 360
.op All 0
.option opfile=1 split_dp=1

.probe i1(c7)
.probe i1(c18)
.probe snfd i(c7)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c7)[0]
.probe snfd i(c18)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c18)[0]
.probe i(c18) i(c7)


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Sorry try
.probe sn i(c18) i(c7)

.probe snfd i(18) i(c7)
.probe snfd i(18)[0] i(c7)[0]

.probe snfd ir(c18) ir(c7)
.probe snfd ir(c18)[0] ir(c7)[0]

Plot i(c18) and i(c7) of "input.sn0".

Your results of ir1(c18)0) and ir1(c7)0) are both extraordinary.

Plot i(c18) and i(c7) of "input.snf0", here you have to select real() and index=0 from Custom waveView.

Try inseart follwing into netlist.
.measure sn In AVG i(c18)
.measure sn Ip AVG i(c7)
.measure sn Ipump param='In+Ip'
And plot them. Show me results.
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Plot i(c18) and i(c7) of "input.sn0" are reasonable.

Try following
.sn tone='1/fund_period' nharms=10
+ trinit='5*fund_period' maxtrinitcycles=5
+ sweep delta_phase_deg lin 101 -360 360
instead of
.sn tres='fund_period/10' period=fund_period
+ trinit='5*fund_period' maxtrinitcycles=5
+ sweep delta_phase_deg lin 101 -360 360
Then plot ir1(c18)0) and ir1(c7)0) of .snf0.

You use "HSPICE RF -- D-2010.03-SP2 (Aug 26 2010)".
It is relative old.
Do you have newer version ?

In #29, x-axis is phase from -360 to 360.

Since you sweep "delta_phase_deg",
dependencies of data in "*.sn0" are [delta_phase_deg, time],
dependencies of data in "*.snf0" are [delta_phase_deg, harmonic_index].

For example, ir1(c1):0 in "*.snf0" mean real part of i1(c1) for harmonic_index=0,
so its dependecy, that is, x-axsis is "delta_phase_deg".
However it is not in #35.

Show me netlist again.

For a demonstration of using Shooting Newton analysis you can run the pdfcpGain.sp file shipped with the HSPICE RF distribution, located in the directory $<installdir>/hspicerf/examples.
This example performs analysis on a D-flipflop phase frequency divider with charge pump, implemented in 50nm technology.
The example is configured to measure the gain (volts per degree) of the DFF PFD and tri-state output combination.
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.option POST
.temp 25

.GLOBAL gnd! vdd!

.param fund_period=2n
.param delta_phase_deg=0.0
.param tdelay='(delta_phase_deg/360)*fund_period'

xi12 vdd! down up out_clk ref_clk start pfdv2_sch
v17 start gnd! dc=0 pulse ( 0 1.8 500p 1p 0 0.5 1)

v16 out_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period+tdelay'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v2  ref_clk gnd! dc=0 pulse(0 1.8 '1.1*fund_period'
+ 5p 5p 'fund_period/2' fund_period)

v5 vdd! gnd! dc=1.8
c18 vctrl- gnd! c=.8p
c7 vctrl+ gnd! c=.8p
xi17 down up vctrl+ vctrl- cpv2_sch

.tran .1n 75n start=0
.sn tone='1/fund_period' nharms=10
+ trinit='5*fund_period' maxtrinitcycles=5
+ sweep delta_phase_deg lin 101 -360 360

.op All 0
.option opfile=1 split_dp=1

.probe i1(c7)
.probe i1(c18)
.probe snfd i(c7)[0]
.probe snfd i(c18)[0]
.probe snfd i(c18) i(c7)
.probe snfd i(c18)[0] i(c7)[0]

.probe snfd ir(c18)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c7)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c18) ir(c7)
.probe snfd ir(c18)[0] ir(c7)[0]

.probe sn i(c18) i(c7)

.measure sn Ip AVG i(c18)
.measure sn In AVG i(c7)
.measure sn Ipump param='In+Ip'


.probe i1(c7)
.probe i1(c18)
.probe snfd i(c7)[0]
.probe snfd i(c18)[0]
*.probe snfd i(c18) i(c7)
*.probe snfd i(c18)[0] i(c7)[0]

.probe snfd ir(c18)[0]
.probe snfd ir(c7)[0]
*.probe snfd ir(c18) ir(c7)
*.probe snfd ir(c18)[0] ir(c7)[0]

.probe sn i(c18) i(c7)

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