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= PLL Performance, Simulation and Design = E Book here

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pll problems and solutions

Dear friends:
Take a look in this very good reference on PLL. I am sure you will find valuated information in it.

Regards for all


Uploaded file: **broken link removed**
Please don't reply unless you have useful information to add on this post.Thanks
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pll performance simulation and design

This is old version.. New and other books in my directory..

best #pll design book

Dear BigBoss:
Regarding your comment about my post:

1- I could not understand how the subject placed on the book uploaded can be out of date. Servo theory remains the same at a long time ago.

2- Also the practical problems to design a PLL system remains the same for decades and the book focus very interesting practical problems and solutions.

In this sense, I am sorry but I could not understand what you mean by "old version". Perhaps an empty comment coming from a novice in the subject, or so.

NandoPG pll design book

thank you BigBoss and nandopg.
yours is both useful to us.

can you find some about digital =Pll.


pll system problems and solutions

You're right but this version is more detailed and like a commercial book. Normally it's locked but now unlocked to print.
Servo theory didn't change but approximations have changed . So , if you would like to use that ver it's up to you.
I didn't mean that your is not useful , only up to dated may be better..Why we use any "newer version software? C'est pour qoui..

ebook pll

You could download the Latest Version of Deans PLL Design Book from **broken link removed**. Nandopg's upload is a waste because the Latest version of the book was alteady on FM in the BigBoss folder.

pll performance, simulation and design

i'sorry but how can i access the directory/folder like big boss'es folder? i am a newer.

how to print pll performance, simulation book

just click 'FileManager1'.
next click 'All'.
then you can find the folder name 'BigBoss'.


Dear Nandopg

Thank you for the e-book - We always love
any "new" info and , even if this e-book
was from 1960 - GREAT MAN !!!

I did a few "Weird" designs myself in PLL
designing !!!

Great Stuff Nandopg !

Regards From


pll performacnce site

hi ,

pll simulation performance

I am new here... What is BigBoss' directory?

some matlab and exeal related to pll design
by his books
William F. Egan's web page
**broken link removed**

On 2001-12-09 00:51, BigBoss wrote:
"This is old version.. New and other books in my directory.. "

Dear BigBoss,
why didn't you put a link to your new(er) book right into your response like nandopg did?
(many of us can't get into your directory)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eric Best on 2002-02-26 09:55 ]</font>

why i could not log in the FM1,who can help me? thank you.
On 2002-02-26 09:01, Eric Best wrote:
On 2001-12-09 00:51, BigBoss wrote:
"This is old version.. New and other books in my directory.. "

Dear BigBoss,
why didn't you put a link to your new(er) book right into your response like nandopg did?
(many of us can't get into your directory)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eric Best on 2002-02-26 09:55 ]</font>

On 2002-02-26 10:41, lqy wrote:
why i could not log in the FM1,who can help me? thank you.
You need the password to log there. As far as I know, to get it you must have enough points (obtained by valuable posts or contributes ?)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Eric Best on 2002-02-26 11:25 ]</font>

This is a good article. Does anyone have a similar article on implementation and design of Digital PLLs?

would someone mind putting a link to big boss's book?

I am new to use this and I am not able to find the retrive the file.Can you send me the zip file to my email give a possible suggestion for the question below. .We have a board which is using the PLL setup as you have mentioned.We isolated that it is a PLL Problem.There is some problem with VCXO which we are using which is causing for the failure of connecting to network.Actually, we are using a part of one date code VCXO and the link is working fine.If we started using the other date code oscillators the link is not coming up.The only difference between the two date code oscillators is rise time.The working one has:2 nS and the other has 1.8nS,only a 2 nS change in rise time.Can this nominal change change of rise time can make the PLL unlocked?Will there be any other factors we need to check except the afctors you have mentioned in the link?
What are the other factors to be considered?Would be really helpful if could update this at the earliest as this is very critical issue to us.
Thanks and Regards

where is the "'FileManager1" folder ?

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