PLL Design Steps
Hi master_picengineer,
1 First of all you must define input and out put frequency of the pll
2 You compute using mathematical expression the coefficient of the different sub-module inside the PLL ad which are:
- The phase and frequency detector
- The Digital filter
- The Voltage controlled output
- And the frequency dividers 1/R and 1/N
3- You can simulate this PLL (Software PLL) using Matlab7 and visualise you signals
Nice exemples are given in the file exchange rebrique on
4- The implementation depend on the nature of the PLL. In fact there another 3 types of PLLs beside the mentioned Software PLL. We have:
- The Analog PLL (PLL)
- The Digital PLL (PLL: Digital filter, frecquency divider and analog PFD, VCO)
- The All Digital PLL (ADPLL).
5 For all this prepare the internal shematic (at transistor for Analog or gate level digital) of these different component and implemente them (Spice for Analog / VHDL for digital).
6- Gather the different element to form the PLL. For PLL and DPLL use an Analog platform like Virtuoso Cadence.
Simulate again the PLL and check the other parameter like uncertainty and jitter.
7- If it is Ok, you have to Place and route, check design rule, extract and perform the Layout versus shematic operation.
8- Finely, add pads and get the mask of the PLL.
Hope I helped you.
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