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Pipelined ADC calibration

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capacitor mismatch digital calibration

To my understanding there are 3 methods to calibrate the residuals!

1. Hardware based methods. So changing something within the pipeline. For instance measuring or calibrating reference or residual voltages.

2. Measuring with a single DAC in front the residual voltages with a binary search. For each bit you have to measure two values. Process is by switching the stage residual-DAC-bit and observing the comparator bit of the next stage.

3. Statistic distribution method which uses uniform distributed testsignals and calculate form noneven distribution the postion of the residuals.

Any other?

behavioral modeling pipeline adc calibration

want to design pipeline adc
any ome help me?

piplined adc calibration

want to model the calibration of the pipeline adc in simulink,can anyone help me?
thanks very much

i need help. does anyone have verilog code for 1.5 bit/stage 8 bit pipeline adc behavioral model ?

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