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[SOLVED] pic16f72 sinewave inverter with asm codes. not working.

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I use power regulator which is composed of two transistors,for making step down voltage function.
First transistor provides 36V from 48V and the second transistor produces 20V from 36V.
And the 20V ideal for the 7812 regulator IC
to drive the IR2110 and further circuit.

Does it happen only immediately after when load is transferred from mains supply to inverter?

Does it happen only immediately after when load is transferred from mains supply to inverter?
I think problem of fet damage may be, due to spikes generation in inverter mode.
And inductive load almost cause spikes, during on and off.
We should also consider on suitable R/C snubber circuit.

check it.
The circuit contain unnecessary extra components, no filter capacitor on input side but it may work. You didn't answered my question.

what is the important of zero crossing detector in this inverter.

Can someone please modified this code to use on/off switch instead of press switch? and if possible the switching frequency also so that it will be more quiet when working...

Please someone help me with this P16f72 inverter, I want to increase the charging frequency but i dont know which part of the code to modify. Can someone direct me to the right code section.

i have many friends but they only know the c, modifing that assembly code is nearly imposible. only the original author of that code will help us.

hello .. kg .. can you here me ..

please answer sir... how the charging parts working ... is it charging parts included in this ,, or i have to make charger separate ?

I think Charging has not been incorporated in this design as i talked to him on the phone.

There is a wrong short circuit connection in pic16F73 inverter schemaics.
Re: atmel sine wave inverter schematic

hi can i get the source code for pic 16f72 invert.. the inverter board i am using is the latest version 6.01.. some of the connections have been modified.. plz help me...
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Re: sine wave inverter source code

Dear Akba_zahid
Can you please share the schematic and source code for a ups using pic16f72 controller. Also suggest changes to be made to change the output power.

- - - Updated - - -

Dear Mr.Tahmid
I am not able to find how to download the schematic and code for the usp with pic 16F72 controller. Can you help me and inform how to download the file. Thanks.
Why is ZCD used while charging ?

Is it to synchronise the switching of lower FETs to Mains frequency?
If so how is this achieved?

Can someone share insights?

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Zero crossing is required for phase changover

Can you be a bit more specific?

What i understand in this scheme is that the lower FETs are switched at PWM freq of say 16 KHz , then is the zcd used as a marker to initiate PWM pulses for each cycle? so that a PFC is acheived?
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