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[SOLVED] PIC complete discussion for all

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Romel if you say so then i can delete the topic of discussion that started with the triac and zero crossing , as they deviate the topic heading.

you can start a new topic for this discussion as there may be many other people other than a few hands ful of people who can really contribute and help you in your projects.
Maybe it is time to close this thread as this is deviating the topic as romel had asked me to keep it in single thread..
I thought it would be restricted only to PIC18f4550 and its peripherals..

Romel please start a new thread.. I am purposefully not getting involved into this as it is going offtopic very often...

maybe other moderators may take objection...

It was supposed to be a example for everyone who wants to learn PIC. but may not be too much interested in these deviated topic as it is personal to you.

PLs. dont close it..
I promised not to ask anymore not related to PIC peripherals... I thought i'ts okay to ask here if it's related to PIC application...

---------- Post added at 08:58 ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 ----------

Romel if you say so then i can delete the topic of discussion that started with the triac and zero crossing , as they deviate the topic heading.

you can start a new topic for this discussion as there may be many other people other than a few hands ful of people who can really contribute and help you in your projects.

okay.. for the better..pls delete it...
it's started since I just learned about pwm and I want to add application of it using triac..

I have moved all the AC load related messages to a new thread located

because there were some useful info in the deleted messages, the conversation about that topic can be continued there if you want.

hi all,

SD Audio Player with ATTiny
8. August 2010 - 14:37 — admin

This is a simple SD audio player biult with only an 8-pin microcontroller (ATTiny85).

A minimalistic design: WAV player, which can play stereo WAV from SD card using the 8-pin ATTiny's PWM outputs. Author says: 8-pin AVR microcontroller has two fast PWM outputs in 250kHz carrier frequency. This enables to output a wide frequency range audio signal. I built an audio player with the 8-pin AVR and an SD memory card (SDC). The SDC can be controled with only six lines, two for power supply and four for control signals.

source: SD Audio Player with ATTiny | µ[micro]electronics info

250Khz pwm output is fast estimated value of PR2 is between 1 - 2 according to my previous calculations..

the above project is using AVR micro.. Im planning to make the same project but using PIC18f4550 my question is, is the speed of my device can handle two 250Khz because I want Stereo output of my player....I knew my device can run up to 48Mhz but Im just asking... hehe

---------- Post added at 05:27 ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 ----------

@alexan_e, thanks you so much for moving my thread,,, thanks

I think this link is already posted twice in this discussion.
Will you still count it, if the thread continues next year?
Maybe it is time to close this thread as this is deviating the topic as romel had asked me to keep it in single thread..
I thought it would be restricted only to PIC18f4550 and its peripherals..
If I was a moderator, I had thought about it before. I already told my opinion before the thread changed it's name to "PIC complete discussion".
I generally think, people shouldn't encourage the original poster to continue the thread like an off-topic chat or personal blog. Strictly spoken, it's against the forum rules. Just try to imagine a user, who is searching the forum discussion for specific answers. I guess, he'll find threads like this very annoying.
Altough I appreciate the profound contributions to this thread, I would prefer a theme-centred discussion.
hi.. im learning SPI protocol for pIC today.. I do reading about SPI this time..

---------- Post added at 14:35 ---------- Previous post was at 14:30 ----------

Im using PIC18f4550.. let me ask question again if I have question.. :) I just want o learn the SPI protocol..:oops:

How did you come to this conclusion that you should use PIC 18F4550. Did someone suggested you or you decided it with the product selector tool.

How did you come to this conclusion that you should use PIC 18F4550. Did someone suggested you or you decided it with the product selector tool.


Im planning to make a project in the future that I think the feature and speed of PIC18 can able to supply it..

I recon, The project that you have just altered code within will allways be out of date. If you do a clean build it'll always build everything, but notmal build will only compile the projects it has to so if there are library source files that haven't been altered since last full build it wont bother to re-compile them to save time!! (Not a lot of time!)

If I click build when nothings changed withn a project I get
Make: The target "C:\MPLab2\DisplayDemo723a\delay.p1" is up to date.
Make: The target "C:\MPLab2\DisplayDemo723a\LEDDriver723.p1" is up to date.

if I alter something in LEDDRiverr723 it then says
Make: The target "C:\MPLab2\DisplayDemo723a\LEDDriver723.p1" is out of date.

as long as it says its been a success, dont worry... Its a long-standing complier way of doing things,
If you don't include that, you are not specifying the settings you are using, such as the type of oscillator, code protection, watchdog timer, etc.

Yes PORTB has internal pull-up resistors that can be manually enabled/disabled.

Hope this helps.

using __CONFIG(0x1932);
This is configuration bit values and it should be set well..

What will happen if i didnt include this configuration bit file.?
most cases it shouldn't work just like my experienced.
e.g. your circuit is using internal oscillator and the setting of your config bits is external clock source then it should not work that way..

below are the configuration bits for your device and set it according to your application

// Config Register: CONFIG
#define CONFIG 0x2007
// Oscillator Selection bits
// RC oscillator
// HS oscillator
#define FOSC_HS 0xFFFE
// XT oscillator
#define FOSC_XT 0xFFFD
// LP oscillator
#define FOSC_LP 0xFFFC
// Watchdog Timer Enable bit
// WDT enabled
#define WDTE_ON 0xFFFF
// WDT disabled
#define WDTE_OFF 0xFFFB
// Power-up Timer Enable bit
// PWRT disabled
#define PWRTE_OFF 0xFFFF
// PWRT enabled
#define PWRTE_ON 0xFFF7
// Brown-out Reset Enable bit
// BOR enabled
#define BOREN_ON 0xFFFF
// BOR disabled
#define BOREN_OFF 0xFFBF
// Low-Voltage (Single-Supply) In-Circuit Serial Programming Enable bit
// RB3/PGM pin has PGM function; low-voltage programming enabled
#define LVP_ON 0xFFFF
// RB3 is digital I/O, HV on MCLR must be used for programming
#define LVP_OFF 0xFF7F
// Data EEPROM Memory Code Protection bit
// Data EEPROM code protection off
#define CPD_OFF 0xFFFF
// Data EEPROM code-protected
#define CPD_ON 0xFEFF
// Flash Program Memory Write Enable bits
// Write protection off; all program memory may be written to by EECON control
#define WRT_OFF 0xFFFF
// 0000h to 00FFh write-protected; 0100h to 1FFFh may be written to by EECON control
#define WRT_256 0xFDFF
// 0000h to 07FFh write-protected; 0800h to 1FFFh may be written to by EECON control
#define WRT_1FOURTH 0xFBFF
// 0000h to 0FFFh write-protected; 1000h to 1FFFh may be written to by EECON control
#define WRT_HALF 0xF9FF
// In-Circuit Debugger Mode bit
// In-Circuit Debugger disabled, RB6 and RB7 are general purpose I/O pins
#define DEBUG_OFF 0xFFFF
// In-Circuit Debugger enabled, RB6 and RB7 are dedicated to the debugger
#define DEBUG_ON 0xF7FF
// Flash Program Memory Code Protection bit
// Code protection off
#define CP_OFF 0xFFFF
// All program memory code-protected
#define CP_ON 0xDFFF
You can set the confiuration bits separately in the MPLAB IDE, to override the _Config until the next build... Once you've got the config how you want it in the GUI bit, it gives you the Hex Value so you can fix it in code....


Hello people, I've got a full H-bridge involving only NPN transistors and use PIC18F4331. I put two PWM signals to the diagonal transistors. If I send PWM (from PWM0) just to the one half bridge , having kept diconnected the other signal , the motor turns clockwise. If I do the same to the other half bridge, with PWM1 , the motor turns counter clockwise. The problem is that I can't make it turn to both sides, using a full-bridge. It must be the software. I use OVDCOND and OVDCONS to change the port and RD4 and RD0, but it is not clear to me how I'll do it. Has somenosy else done it before? Please enlighten me , I'm stuck here for three weeks !

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