pass the commands from VC++ program to the command window i

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skill programming + cadence


skill script array instance cadence

it seems so hard.
Admire u.


cadence skill développement

Thanks a lot.
This do help me.

skill lenguage

Any websire discuss it except soucelink of cadence , Thanks

cadence skill language layout generate

In these days,I try to use ocean script for analog simulation.
Is the function of ocean scpript same as skill language?


hi kevin,

ocean is meant for controlling the simulation, skill is more general and use throughout the virtuoso platform...

cadence skill programing

Some useful info to learn SKILL.

1. try to understand what is List.
2. try to access(car & cdr) the list elements.
3. open a layout/sch thru skill using dbOpenCellViewByType.
4. try to learn ~> operator.
5. list all the shapes
6. filter the shapes using setof
7. try to list all the labels.

These are all the small things which will be very helpful to become familiar in SKILL.

date and time in skill language

First open the sklanuser.pdf and go through "I/O and File Handling". This deals with opening, closing files, writing to files etc. After this start writing the code for opening a spice file and storing usefule info like Model, width, fingers, length, Transistor name using lists or association tables. (go through "Advanced List operations" and pg.113 for tables). Then print the info. The o/p should be like this...
" Transistor M1 MODEL=PMOS with Width=5um length=0.13 um Fingers = 4..
This is the first step if you can do this then use the same info you stored for placing those pcells in there corresponding cells.

which is next episode....

cadence skill list

Thank you everyone!

skill language functions

It's just what I'm looking for. thanks

cadence - language

I have learned more, thanks . cadence skill training

Thanks a lot. I'm learing skill now

cadence skill code

Hai all ,
can any one able to get me the bindkey for doing the layout

Added after 4 hours 14 minutes:

Can any one help me in getting the SKILL PDF to interface the tool it will be helpful for my project
SKILL applications programming interfaces to design tools.
----Custom Layout/Physical Verification SKILL Functions
---IC Design Entry & Simulation Environment SKILL Functions

Added after 21 minutes:

hai ,
Go to the ICFB source terminal and type cdsdoc u will be finding the documents all in one popup window.

cadence skill code source

Thanks for the docs folks.....
Hope it helps for newbie

skill cadence

Everything starts like a man walking having a big stone on your back.

skill scripting in cadence

Do we need to install any tool/license from cadence for using SKILL program


ocean skill cadence

Hai everyone,
I have s douts in writing SKILL program, I have trying for doing transistor fromation using SKILl,
just using DB commands we can draw the transistor but how we can make the transistor making to be variable.
Say, the width and Length of transistor should be variable . how to get the input from the user . guide me in creating the variable transistor.

writing code in cadence skill

Thanks for the sharing.

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