Opinions on EasyPIC 4

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easypic4 software

Unless you're working for a large corporation with $ and lawyers; patents are very costly and for most inventors are a complete waste of resources. You WILL need a patent lawyer otherwise it'll never stand in court, all a patent is "is the right to sue". You'll also need to do a prior art search and so on. At least $10K per patent in the US and a worldwide patent is much more expensive. Also forget about Patents in China they'll just copy it and good luck going to court over it.
AND with a patent you have to disclose your design for the world to see.

Here is Don Lancasters (The Original Electronics GURU) site.

And the case against patents.

If you want help I will sign an NDA and will look at your design, I'll offer my opinion free but if you (we) wish to pursue the design I'm sure we can come to an agreement.

PS I have four patents with my name as inventor but Baxter paid for them. They can afford them.

gps 16f accurate time

blueroomelectronics said:
PS I have four patents with my name as inventor but Baxter paid for them. They can afford them.

You piqued my interest... can you list the patent numbers?

can program 18f easypic4

well i did say patentable not yet patented but one has been submitted which includes the positioning of solar panels to the sun useing a built in almanac .the unit just req its gps position uploading to the unit and then hey hey it follows the sun cum rain or shine from dusk till dawn reaping 100% return on those o so expensive solar panels x and y steering unit cost varys propotional to panel array size which is found to be acceptable ie approx 5% of total cost is unit controller which in europe can give ua an increase of output of 400%

mikro easypic4

wow i didnt think it was possible to make a tracker so expensive thankyou for the web sites .what i was finding was with the optical type trackers is say at 10am cloud obscured the sun and cleared at about say 3pm the optical trackers where lets say a little confused .also faceing the sun procisley with quite heavy cloud yealded excellant power which my system does .and as you can guess if the unit was shipped to a remote place it only requires gps sentance uploading once so borrowing a gps unit is quite feasable to cut costs or i guess it could be inputted manually....by the way thankyou for your corispondance on this matter..

schematic of projects of pic 18f and 33f

Your welcome, the good news is you can just go ahead and build one the patents would likely be long expired.
I'd use a 18F4620, free C18 SE, it's not much more than a 16F887 (the 16F877A replacement) and has scads of I/O. Could easily drive a couple of stepper motors, limit switches, LCD, keypad, RS232 (for the GPS) and math friendly compared to the 16 series.

Re: easypic4

yes i think i will move onto the 18 series ,the other thing ive thought about is the built in time will need to be quite acurate a gps on board would be nice but cost would be a problem so some kind of timekeeping external chip may be req unless i could get acurate time keeping with the pic what do you think?

Re: easypic4

its arrived my easypic4 and iam haveing fun seems very good value ,

Re: easypic4

Putting a 32.768KHz crystal on the TMR1 oscillator will provide an accurate timebase for a real time clock.

PS GPS NMEA data will provide a very accurate time, you can set a clock with it.

Re: easypic4

that was just what i was hopeing to do. set the clock accurate from the start then a small amount of drift will be acceptable as apposed to high accuracy as cost would increase

Re: easypic4

I personally own EasyPIC4 and I can say it is a pretty good development board. The best thing is that most connections are made by using jumpers which is very convenient.
But I noticed that LCD displays are connected only to dip40 socket. Or am I wrong?

Re: easypic4

yes looks like lcd display is only connected to the 40 pin pic..Actually thinking about it someone did recommend just buying the incircuit programmer on its own and i may soon wish i had one of those

Re: easypic4

If you are just familiarising with certain PIC this board is the perfect choice. But if you are developing a new kind of system or building some project, then it is better to have an in-circuit programmer (ICD2 or smth like that). Constantly taking out and putting back in for programming using this board is not a very good solution coz it is very easy to damage your PIC.

Re: easypic4

I may attempt to make some kind of lead to connect from the easy pic 4 board to my design to avoid lifting the pic out sure it must be possible?

Re: easypic4

HI Friends
What Do you think about our development board?
It works wit USB programmer compatible with PICKIT2, and of course can program with MPLAB, support too ICD2 external debugger, have on board most usual periferic, and ZIF zocket for most popular PIC microcontroller, and You can chose work with LCD or DISPLAY with PORTB or PORTD, include on board KEYBOARD 4*4 or can use GLCD too, TSOP1738, RELAYS, RTC, DIGITAL POT., MMC/SD CARD, RS232, USB, RS485, ANALOG INP., LEDS, SERIAL EEPROM AND ANOTHER FEATURES MORE .....


Re: easypic4

Jose Fausto,
It is quite a board, though at first it looks very similar to mE easyPIC4 dev board. Do you sell these?

Re: easypic4

WE ARE JUST FINISHING WITH MANUALS AND SAMPLES PROGRAMS, of course later we will produce for sell as complete assembly.

Re: easypic4

ive started thinking how to make a lead to connect my easypic 4 dev board to my finished project board so i can connect and program the pic insitue does anyone have any suggestions please


You need to bring out VPP, +5, GND, PGD, PGC from the board to whatever cable you have in mind.
Keep it short or it'll give you errors.

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