Hi Ali,
Looking how looks the plot increasing frequency, it seems that:
(1) at dc (freq=0) gain is quite high and phase is 180 deg (inverting amplifier)
(2) al some very very low frequency (not seen in the plot) there is a real pole; gain starts to drop at 20 dB/decade an phase decreases towards +90 deg
(3) there is a real zero at about 4 Hz (in LHP) that stops the drop of gain and raises phase up to 180 deg
(4) there is a real pole at about 70 MHz that starts a drop in amplitude and produces a total lag in phase of 90 deg
(5) there is a real zero in RHP at about 400 MHz that stops drop in amplitude and lags the phase 90 deg more
At low frequencies (between 1 and 10 Hz), the negative slope in gain is produced by the pole (2), and the increasing phase by the zero (3).