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Non-rectangular phased array

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Member level 3
Aug 7, 2005
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I need any information about application of non-rectangular phased antennas array, e.g. array where elements are placed in vertexes of triangle, pentagon, hexagon etc. Can you help me?

Thank you!

The shape is not that important. Depending on how you weight the elements, you can get pretty much the same performance as a rectagular phased array (which typically has a lot of the elements thinned out anyway, as they are not needed).

Ultimately, you can only focus as tightly as your aperture width. So a really wide array can get you more tightly focused in azimuth, than a less wide array. Has to do with difraction limits, spatial forier transform of the aperture, and other knurd stuff.

biff44 said:
The shape is not that important. Depending on how you weight the elements, you can get pretty much the same performance as a rectagular phased array (which typically has a lot of the elements thinned out anyway, as they are not needed).
Yes, but with a shape of a grid we steel can tune parameters of the array, some times it might be easy to change shape than change feed parameters of radiators in the array. I'll be very hapy if somebody gives me some examples of those arrays or links on papers. I tried to serch in internet, but without success. I didn't find needed information in IEEE AP there are considered only rectangular array. Maybe I serch badly... :)
I'll be appreciate for any help!


ther are a lot of "regular" array lattice, among them Hexagonal and triangular have been widely used in real application (wrt rectangular grid, triangular grid can help to reduce the number of array elements and to minimise grating lobes if you have to scan the beam).

Anyway if you are looking for array "optimised in geometry keeping fixed the excitation", a typical example is a class of array named "Thinned array". This kind of array antenna is initially composed by several radiators filling a regular grid (and usaully all the elements are fed in phase with the same amplitude), then by means of optimization code, some of them are switched off (a significant percentage), finally the resulting array is a "sparese array" with a reduced number of elements still fed.

So if I have undestood correctly your question, you can find information also in the IEEE searching "Thinned array" word.

PS: you can also look at more general case where also the element position is optimised, search "not uniform (spaced) array" word.


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