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No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the past??

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Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

junglejenny said:
What is this code you've posted? Anyone else knows?




Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

I got the same problems, to often communications problems with my ICD1. Reprogramming with original firmware was my last possibility to work :evil: . After that I bought a ICD2 ...
But I want to know if someone got also problems with ICD2 and ground loops. I was working a lot on telecommunication circuits and there was a huge flow of current through the ground from telephone line to the PC??? :?:

Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

Mr_Programmer said:
I got the same problems, to often communications problems with my ICD1. Reprogramming with original firmware was my last possibility to work

Is there anyone that use ICD1 with CCS firmware / ide succesfully? With wich firmware/C version? My objective was to use ICD1 upgraded with CCS firmware to program/debug 16F877A and 18F242 PICs

Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

mk3 said:
Mr_Programmer said:
I got the same problems, to often communications problems with my ICD1. Reprogramming with original firmware was my last possibility to work

Is there anyone that use ICD1 with CCS firmware / ide succesfully? With wich firmware/C version? My objective was to use ICD1 upgraded with CCS firmware to program/debug 16F877A and 18F242 PICs

I'm using a ICD1 hardware with the firmware (ICD-S, 20MHz, 2003-09-17) from CCS for programming a PIC16F676. Versions before 2003-09-17 had problems to program a 676. CCS fixed it after sending an email to them - so if you have problems with 16F877A or 18F242 they may help you, but not within 24h :-(


Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

Do you have a copy of the firmware that they sent you, could you pm me it.

Does anyone know if I can burn the s40 firmware and change to a 10Mhz chip, and if so does this mean I wouldn't have to keep updating the firmware when I change between 16f and 18f.
I burnt the 20Mhz firmware and got it running, but I'm having trouble getting it to update firmware, although I think that this might be to do with my PIC, anyone got any ideas.



Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

carrotts said:
Do you have a copy of the firmware that they sent you, could you pm me it.


You can download the actual ICD-S version from:
**broken link removed**

The newer versions are also running with my PIC16F676.


Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

My test was done after downloading ICD-S from that link, and with that update date.

I've an ICD1 with 16LF876 running at 3.68MHz... which firmware can I use? I think the ccsicd.hex and not the ccsicd20.hex, right? Can I change the crystal and mount a 20MHz one, and use the '20' file for programming the ICD micro? :?:

Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

mk3 said:
My test was done after downloading ICD-S from that link, and with that update date.

I've an ICD1 with 16LF876 running at 3.68MHz... which firmware can I use? I think the ccsicd.hex and not the ccsicd20.hex, right? Can I change the crystal and mount a 20MHz one, and use the '20' file for programming the ICD micro? :?:

You're right.

Ccsicd.hex --> PIC16F676 @ 3,68.. MHz
Ccsicd20.hex --> PIC16F676 @ 20 MHz
Ccsicd40.hex --> PIC18F252 @ 40 MHz

Sometimes I had problems to update the firmware correctly. So I took the hex code out of the file "icdfirmware-01-14.fw" and saved it into an extra hex.file for programming the firmware with an extra programmer.

The "icdfirmware-01-14.fw" contains different firmware versions for diffrent usage:

ccsicd-pic16.hex @ 3,6864 MHz (firmware device: 16F876, hardware: ICD-S, target device: PIC16)
ccsicd-pic18.hex @ 3,6864 MHz (firmware device: 16F876, hardware: ICD-S, target device: PIC18)
ccsicdA-pic16.hex @ 3,6864 MHz (?)
ccsicdA-pic18.hex @ 3,6864 MHz (?)
ccsicd20A-pic16.hex @ 20 MHz (firmware device: 16F876, hardware: ICD-S, target device: PIC16)
ccsicd20A-pic18.hex @ 20 MHz (firmware device: 16F876, hardware: ICD-S, target device: PIC18)
ccsicdu20A-pic16.hex @ 20 MHz (firmware device: 16F876, hardware: ICD-U, target device: PIC16)
ccsicdu20A-pic18.hex @ 20 MHz (firmware device: 16F876, hardware: ICD-U, target device: PIC18)
ccsicd40-pic16-pic18.hex @ 40 MHz (firmware device: 18F252, hardware: ICD-S, target device: PIC16)

I don't know "ccsicdA-pic1x.hex" is used for.


Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

Here is the uptade of icd firm, i don't know if it's a fake or not.
No one can make a shoot of icd2 hardware and send it here?

Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

Here is the uptade of icd firm, i don't know if it's a fake or not.
No one can make a shoot of icd2 hardware and send it here?

Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

i'm looking for schematic ICD2.
please share me

thank you

could anyone post mask layer image or Protel PCB file of ICD-1 compatible with CCS's firmware?


Sobakava said:
could anyone post mask layer image or P*otel PCB file of ICD-1 compatible with CCS's firmware?


Every ICD-1 is compatible with the CCS firmware. You can get the Protel files here: **broken link removed**


I installed ICD-S from CCS site. It asks
for port and baud rate but it can not
connect to ICD. I build this ICD board:

cube007 wrote there are more than one firmwares in "icdfirmware-01-15.fw" How can I select one
of them and load to MCU with ICProg?

I plan to use my ICD with PIC18F452/CCS-C
I've my ICD board and an empty PIC16F876
on it. My ICD cable is connected to my
target board with 18F452.

What else do I need? What do I have to do at first?

I Hope it works.

I installed ICD-S from CCS site. It asks
for port and baud rate but it can not
connect to ICD. I build this ICD board:

cube007 wrote there are more than one firmwares in "icdfirmware-01-15.fw" How can I select one
of them and load to MCU with ICProg?

I plan to use my ICD with PIC18F452/CCS-C
I've my ICD board and an empty PIC16F876
on it. My ICD cable is connected to my
target board with 18F452.

What else do I need? What do I have to do at first?

I Hope it works.

Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

It does not work with an empty 16F876 you will have to program the CCS bootloader into your empty 16F876 afterwards it should be possible to upload the desired firmware using CCS ICD-S program.

Worked for me with the original ICD from Microchip :)

hope this helps

Does anyone have the bootloader to use a 18f at 40MHZ (10MHz Crystal) I have the program burnt in, but it won't let me update the firmware easily.



Re: No one know how to make our own ICD2 like ICD1 in the pa

Good evening,

everybody who would like to participate in realizing our vision of an self-made ICD2 please come to **broken link removed**.

There somebody from the hi-tech started an Forum concentrating on that topic...



Have you ever read this topic, it may helpful.
**broken link removed**

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