need inverted analog output circuit

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Newbie level 5
Aug 25, 2007
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plz give idea about the circuit which has to give inverted analog output ,not using inverting amplifier.any other simple ciruit ?

could you specify what you mean by *not using inverting amplifier*?
Are you looking for a way to invert an analog signal that does not involve the use of an amplifier?

i dont think converting a analog signal without using a inverter is possible... because the system you have to use should have a gain of -1... which only inverting amp can give,,,,

you can use a common source amplifier which will give you a 180 phase shift between input and output.

i mean without using inverting operational amplifier(LMV324)how will we get that output ? is any simple circuit available for this one

For example : input signal is negative AC Signal, i need the output will be Positive AC Signal.

Could u please explain how the common source amp. would give this output?

thanks ur all reply....

compare to inverting op amp., common source or common emitter is best simple circuit and cheapest one?

compared to inverting amp both common source and common emitter are cheaper solutions but they suffer from nonlinearity due to channel width modulation and early effect... inverting amp using opamp doesn't suffer from nonlinearity but the power dissipation is more....

actually this circuit is need for power factor correction ..can we use common source or common emitter amp. in power factor correction circuit?
any other simple circuits please...

which page contains the circuit you are talking about.... else tell me which input pin are you going to drive using the inverted signal....

28th pin in IC PS22052

Added after 2 minutes:

28th pin to 16th pin
in between i need that circuit

Added after 1 minutes:

28th pin is input of that circuit and 16th pin is output of that circuit

actually some external circuit is made here, for that it need some inverted AC output

that external circuit is give negative ac output
so i need that circuit to get back positive output

i dont get you.... please tell me these things clearly.....

where does the external circuit get input from.....
where does the external circuits output go to....

one of the external is current sensing circuit which has connected like 26,27 and 28th pin are connected directlyand then using some R and C connected back to 16th pin like feedback. also from 22nd pin to 28th pin , there is one connection in between this using one C(to 22nd) and Current detecting resistor(to 28th).i need inverted output circuit in between after the Current detecting resistor and before the28th pin.

Actually the signal is goes negative signal,so this circuit is need ....

Thanks ....

dude you are specifying the connections but you have still now not posted what is the input and output of the external circuit also where is the input and output of the inverter connected.... either post the circuit or post things clearly....

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