Need Help on how to build 7 - Segment Display circuit with Series of LED's

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Thanks, this is anotehr help..a new lesson.

- Is it possible to connect a separate shot clock counter and a buzzer in the future after I build the DIY (3" LED 7 Seg display) ?

''A shot clock counter''= a preset for 24 seconds, start count down and when the count reach 00, the buzzer will rung, yes?


Yes, that's exactly is..

In this case we need to prepare now the circuit, in order to do all needed modification later on.

Will you be able to create the circuit for me ? ready for future modification?


Would it be better first to test the circuit on a solderless breadboard :grin:


YES, I will let you know how it goes....


So, let’s try...

First, close the switch S1 to prepare the count down.
Load the binary code 0010 0100 = ‘24’ in the two digits counters by pressing B4.
Press the button B5 to start the count down.
In the moment counters reach 00, a logic circuit generates a stop count signal. In the same time a D-type flip-flop will load the ‘’1’’ on output = Alarm activated.
To stop the alarm need to press button B3.
For a new cycle press B4 to reload the binary code and later press B5 to start count down.


  • 24 sec count down V2.GIF
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This is really becoming interesting to me now...

What parts am I looking for then for the additional circuit (future modification). I see there's U12, U15, U17 and the B's.

Please advise...appreciate it.



The schematics it’s a solution (in theory) to the actual requirements. I have combined the initial up/down counter with the possibility to automatically count down from 24 to zero.
Additional elements needed : one CD4093, one CD4013, some resistors, diodes and push buttons.


  • 24 sec count down details.GIF
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Thanks so much...

I will keep this schematic for the future addition of the shot clock and buzzer.

For the first part, the UP/DOWN counter, that’s the schematics. Need to have also some pins for future connections . See details about power supply and GND needed for the used circuits.
Test this part and later you can add the 'shot clock counter' elements.


  • updowncounter_details.GIF
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What are this PINS for and is it a part that I may need in future connections? I see the Vcc are = 14 and 16 and GND=7 and 8, why are these different? Was I suppose to use a 9V power supply?

For the ‘16’, ‘14’, I was referring to the circuits power pin assignments and ‘7’, ‘8’ to the ground pins assignments.
So each circuit to use the same 9V power supply, connected on pin ‘16’, ‘14’ based on the datasheet specifications.


  • pin assignments.GIF
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Thanks. Now, I understand completely. So, the pins are just for contact protection purposes for future connections.


If a PCB will be created now, a future extension to be based on some connection in the old circuit. To help this action we introduce some points (as pins) in the actual PCB, connected to the electrical diagram, as needed (see the picture attached- post #34).


I'll ask my electronic store technician where to find this pins in his store.


You may find such pins on some old motherboards… :grin:


  • ac4790-to-prop-pins-fig1.jpg
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