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My experiments with PIC18F4550 <> USB

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pic18f4550 usb programming

I did the same things with 18F4550 but nothing happened (there is not "New hardware found" message). Are there any suggestions?

usb pic18f4550 project

Did you program the controller with the picdemfsusb.hex from the microchip solutions examples ?

If you don't want to use that then you will need to create your own USB service application.

pic18f4550 driver

Kuzito said:
After I found out one article regarding USB functions of PIC18F4550, I have decided to devote some time for experiments.

To be contunied ...

This is what I did...

The PCB and SCH are in Eagle for those who would like to modify (single sided and easy to make). The board WORKS 100% with Microchip MCHPFSUSB v2.2 firmware, however the temperature sensor is to small to solder so I left it out. For those who can code please look at the new USB Lib for BoostC and see if you can make it work - Please.

Kindos Regardos

pic18f4550 eagle

Kuzito said:

And you're happy just with that ?

I have tested too the Microchip MCHPFSUSB v2.2 firmware - Generic Driver Demo and it work fine. But this is just doing some led swiching and read the ADC value.
Let's make it a Full-Speed Bulk Transfer 12Mb/s ! You're with me ?

pic18f4550 scheme

how are u???
can u send me the schematic of jdm programmer used to program the chip 18f4550???????
it is the same programmer of 16f877????????
thanks in advance

pic18f4550 usb

Thank you for this article. I am searching for the USB interface for my project. I expect this is may a start to me. I expect more from the author.:D

pic18f4550 usb pc

akmujeeb said:
Thank you for this article. I am searching for the USB interface for my project. I expect this is may a start to me. I expect more from the author.:D
Don't expect to much, he is gone. He didn't write anyting for months. I don't want to be pessimistic, but this project looks like to be over.

usblib pic18f4550

need your help...
i'm already assembler the circuit like your. I also ready install program that you advice but my computer still can not recognize the USB device. what should I do now?? from reading some article(not sure related or not) they say need the ".inf" file so that the USB device can be recognize by the computer.

thanks for your help.

pic usb port

Also without an inf file, the "Found new hardware" dialog should pop-up (if the device isn't already known to you system). If nothing happens, you didn't connect the hardware correct or the PIC USB controller hasn't been activated ijn the software.

pic18f4550 usb projects

what hapens if i seapped signal pins d- and d+ on my usb cable
did i do something katastrofal for my pic or am i doing something wrong
i just cant seam to make my pic work
i have 3 of them and ider seam to not work
gave it a litle more placeing program buton on pin 38 and reset on pin 1
i just dont have idea what to do anymore ...........
help please!!!!!!!

pic usb project

hem very great job..thank you very helped me a lot in troubleshooting my project which deals with PIC18F4550.
I successfully done as what you have said where I managed to install the driver.
For now, how can we know that it is well-functioning? I mean here, how can we know it sends and transmits data through that USB new configured port?

Thank you:|

usb pic18f4550

I did the schematic as you posted here but PICPgm doesn't detect it. Could you advice what to do? I just plugged it to the usb port, started PICPgm but it is not detected. I saw in your example that it's detected there, but my interface is not. Thanx

pic18f2550 usb project

You need to upload the Microchip USB framework hex file, go to Microchip website and get the framework and install it on your pc, then look for any example file (hex)

Depending if you want your device to act like a HID or CDC, etc.

Added after 19 minutes:

Forgot to mention, if you use CDC you will need to install the custom driver, if you select to use HID there is no need to install any driver since it will use Windows driver.

I will suggest you to use HID since it works fine with XP and Vista

firmware pic18f2550 usb

hi tanks for good working. did u use only the example project provided by microchip?
If so can u edit that code acording to the requrement?..can u help me doin this?
what about the PC side? is the microchip firmware support testing the program in pc?
pls help thanks in advance...

project pic18f4550 with usb

i also build my pic usb project , using flow code.

it is very simple to do so , even pc software is also avaliable for vb .

pic18f2455 usb not recognized

great work .sir i'am working on data acquisition using pic18f.I want to store the value s in a text format on pc side which i'am unable to do it .

18f4550 usb projects

i need a simple code to drive a host,USb and PIC18F2550.
how can i acknowledge that my data is transferred to host or not.

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