[MOVED] subthreshold CMOS noise

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ali kotb

Member level 3
Feb 11, 2012
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hello guys ,

which is better,
working in sat or sub-threshold CMOS regions for the best flicker and thermal noises, if both will have the same W, L , current ?

Regards ,

if both will have the same W, L , current
How should this be possible as subthreshold border can be expressed by specific ID/W ratio?
yes, I pull that line back
let me rephrase it , which will give best phase noise if both have same current and why

thank you

... which will give best phase noise if both have same current and why

Depends on which noise sources you need to consider:

Both the gate-related flicker noise voltage and the drain-related flicker noise current are minimum in subthreshold mode,
also the gate-related thermal noise voltage is minimum in subthreshold mode,
but the drain-related thermal noise current is maximum in subthreshold mode.

See e.g. David M. Binkley "Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design" which gives a good overview, theoretical calculations and practical test results on the context between noise (and a lot of other parameters) and the Inversion Coefficient IC, which is a measure for the inversion mode.
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