[Moved]: S-parameter measurement simulation

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Feb 22, 2016
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multiply by 2 using an E source

Anyone have any knowledge on how is the above implemented in s-param.cir ?
**broken link removed**

E2 7 0 6 0 2 $ amplify out port ac voltage by 2

http://paste.ubuntu.com/25573616/ --> s-param.cir

I could not form any draw-able AC voltage source from this line of netlist. Could anyone help ?

Test for Scattering Parameters
** Two ports
** Examples: Bipolar,  Tschebyschef, RC

.param Rbase=50 Vbias_in=0 Vbias_out=0

*** The two-port circuit: 
** port 1: in 0
** port 2: out 0
** Bias on both ports through resistor Rbase (to obtain operating point)

** Example RF Bipolar mrf5711
** VCE 1 V, IE = 5mA
** QXXXXXXX nc nb ne
** model obtained from
*.include MRF5711.lib
*XMRF5711 out in e  MRF5711
*Ie e 0 5m
*Ce e 0 1

** Example Tschebyschef Low Pass filter
C1 in 0 33.2p
L1 in 2 99.2n
C2 2 0 57.2p
L2 2 out 99.2n
C3 out 0 33.2p

** Example RC
** see
** http://www.allenhollister.com/allen/files/scatteringparameters.pdf
*R2 in out 10
*C1 out int5 30p
*R1 int5 0 10

*** End of circuit

** The following subcircuit to be changed only by an experienced user!

*** Driver and readout
X1 in out S22 S12 S_PARAM

.SUBCKT S_PARAM 22 66 5 7
* Resistors emulate switches with Ron=0.001 and Roff=1e12
* to switch driver to input and readout to output (and vice versa, see below)
RS1 22 2 0.001
RS2 66 6 0.001
RS3 22 6 1e12
RS4 66 2 1e12
Vacdc 1 0 DC 'Vbias_in' AC 1 $ ac voltage and dc bias at input (applied through load resistor)
R1 1 2 'Rbase'
E1 3 0 2 0 2       $ amplify in port ac voltage by 2
Vac 3 4 DC 0 AC 1  $ subtract driving ac voltage
R_loop 4 5 0.001
R3 5 0 1           $ ground return for measure node 5
E2 7 0 6 0 2       $ amplify out port ac voltage by 2
R4 6 8 'Rbase'     $ load resistor at output (ac)
Vdc 8 0 DC 'Vbias_out' AC 0 $ dc bias at output (applied through load resistor)

** Check the two ac lines below for being equal!
set noaskquit
set filetype=ascii
*** measurement for s11 and s21
** save bias voltages to vector
let Vdcnew=V(X1.1) $ former Vacdc 
let Vacdcnew=v(X1.8) $ former Vdc 
** first ac measurement (change this line only together with following ac line)
*ac lin 20 0.1G 2G $ use for bip transistor
ac lin 100 2.5MEG 250MEG $ use for Tschebyschef 
*ac lin 101 1k 10G $ use for RC
** switch input and output
alter R.X1.RS1=1e12
alter R.X1.RS2=1e12
alter R.X1.RS3=0.001
alter R.X1.RS4=0.001
** switch bias voltages between in and out
alter V.X1.Vacdc DC=op1.Vacdcnew
alter V.X1.Vdc DC=op1.Vdcnew
*** measurement for s12 and s22
** second ac measurement (change this line only together with ac line above)
*ac lin 20 0.1G 2G $ use for bip transistor
ac lin 100 2.5MEG 250MEG $ use for Tschebyschef 
*ac lin 101 1 10G $ use for RC 
let s11=ac1.s22
let s21=ac1.s12
settype s-param S11 S21 S22 S12

let S11db = db(s11)
let S12db = db(s12)
let S21db = db(s21)
let S22db = db(s22)
settype decibel S11db S21db S22db S12db

let P11=180*ph(s11)/pi
let P21=180*ph(s21)/pi
let P22=180*ph(S22)/pi
let P12=180*ph(S12)/pi
settype phase P11 P21 P22 P12

let Rbase=@R.X1.R4[Resistance]
settype impedance Rbase

*plot s11db s21db S22db S12db ylimit -50 0 xlog $ used with RC 
plot s11db s21db S22db S12db ylimit -0.5 0 $ used with Tschebyschef  
plot P11 P21 P22 P12
plot smithgrid S11 S12
*wrdata s3046 mag(S11) P11 mag(S21) P21 mag(S22) P22 mag(S12) P12 $ write simple table
wrs2p s3046.s2p $ write touchstone vers. 1 file s3046.s2p


Re: S-parameter measurement simulation

The bias voltages at the input and output ports of the circuit are set as parameters as well:

.param Vbias_in=1 Vbias_out=2

Vbias_in and Vbias_out are two parameters to be modified by user in s-param.cir.

I understand U0 = 1V, but why U2 = 2V ?

The following plots are obtained by running s-param.cir

U0 = 1V, U2 = 2V --> are these parameters set correctly ?


The 2V in the controlled source also makes sense. If I understand the netlist correctly, the 50 Ohm source is created by an ideal source + 50 ohm series resistor. This gives 1V output for 50 Ohm external load.

R1 1 2 'Rbase'

this 50 ohm Rbase is connected to the netlabel 2 in the screenshot below.

Or did I misread the s-param.cir netlist ?


OK. Now I am trying to understand the subcircuit before proceeding to the measurement section.
How should E1 and E2 be interpreted ?

X1 in out S22 S12 S_PARAM

.SUBCKT S_PARAM 22 66 5 7
* Resistors emulate switches with Ron=0.001 and Roff=1e12
* to switch driver to input and readout to output (and vice versa, see below)
RS1 22 2 0.001
RS2 66 6 0.001
RS3 22 6 1e12
RS4 66 2 1e12
Vacdc 1 0 DC 'Vbias_in' AC 1 $ ac voltage and dc bias at input (applied through load resistor)
R1 1 2 'Rbase'
E1 3 0 2 0 2       $ amplify in port ac voltage by 2
Vac 3 4 DC 0 AC 1  $ subtract driving ac voltage
R_loop 4 5 0.001
R3 5 0 1           $ ground return for measure node 5
E2 7 0 6 0 2       $ amplify out port ac voltage by 2
R4 6 8 'Rbase'     $ load resistor at output (ac)
Vdc 8 0 DC 'Vbias_out' AC 0 $ dc bias at output (applied through load resistor)

I am stucked at visualizing E1 which purpose is to amplify in port ac voltage by 2

Any idea ?


E1 3 0 2 0 2 $ amplify in port ac voltage by 2

This line means multiply the node voltage at #2 by a factor of two and the resultant voltage appears at node #3

Vac 3 4 DC 0 AC 1 $ subtract driving ac voltage

I do not understand this line though. Anyone ?

Vac 3 4 DC 0 AC 1 $ subtract driving ac voltage

That means you have an AC voltage source between node 3 (+) and 4(-) within a 0V DC component and a 1V AC component.

- - - Updated - - -

That means you have an AC voltage source between node 3 (+) and 4(-) within a 0V DC component and a 1V AC component.

Sorry for the double post i did not found out any modify option. I just want to add "Vac" is only a label, you could name your voltage source V1 or Vxy.

I do not understand the above statement.

Why must RG1 be between S11 and VG1A ?

Note: Screenshot extracted from **broken link removed**

View attachment CreateS-ParameterSUBCKTinPSpice.pdf

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