Re: Power Mosfet driver
Dear Pauloynski, FvM, and the others friends:
My machine operates for periods from 3,5 to 7 seconds of erosion (continuous sparking) and 1 second of pause (head goes up, c recharges, and then goes down). These are standard values, and also can be modificated (for example, increase the pause up to 3 seconds). Now that you have more idea of my project, and now I already saw the site, I have some questions: what circuit is suitable to me: The 2nd much-improved circuit of a Noninverting Direct-Coupled High-Side Driver of that site, your last design, or other?
My second stage, is to built an oscillator, could be with an LM555, that will draw the output power mosfet/s, which goes from ton=0,9 mseg and toff=0,1 mseg (f=1KHz) up to ton=toff=5µseg (f=100 KHz); all these values gave me an old Argentinean electronic engineer descendant of Irishmen, who was initiate in the epoch of the valves (vacuum tubes, like triodes) who 30 years ago made the first EDM of Sud America. Can you design me the complete circuit?, because I design one, but my values are strange, and my way of connection with the mosfet are odd too.
This week I’m going to downtown to buy the components.