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Method for converting 24V to 5V power supply

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Newbie level 6
Newbie level 6
Jun 17, 2009
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Is there any simlpe way to convert the 24V power supply to 5V?

6v to 24v conversion

Lots of ways. What is the current requirement?

7805 24v to 5v ckt

A very simple way would be using a 7805 regulator. It just works and yoy don't have to think.

But if you plan to output any more than some fifty milliamps then you should consider mounting it on a heatsink.

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24v to 5v with 7805

Prototyp_V1.0 said:
A very simple way would be using a 7805 regulator. It just works and yoy don't have to think.

But if you plan to output any more than some fifty milliamps then you should consider mounting it on a heatsink.

**broken link removed**
Or pepakpan should think about DC-DC converters like mc34063.

-40v to 5 v conversion

Hi buddy,
The current requirment on the output at 5V decides the method of converting 24 to 5V.

-- babesh.

circuit design + 24v to 5v

haker_fox said:
Prototyp_V1.0 said:
A very simple way would be using a 7805 regulator. It just works and yoy don't have to think.

But if you plan to output any more than some fifty milliamps then you should consider mounting it on a heatsink.

**broken link removed**
Or pepakpan should think about DC-DC converters like mc34063.
Agreed. Thats the sensible way. But it depends of how much current, and also the power supply (if it is a battery/solar cell or iv it's just a power outlet with a DC supply)

Now we waiting this thread will be put as solved by pepakpan.

24v to 5v

T ry it dear.

Thx & Regards

power supply 24v to 5v

I would like to thank all for their replies. I tested with 7805 and its working.

Added after 4 minutes:

My one more question is...

I would like to design a pcb with atmega8 controller. So to program this controller I need to have some interface between controller and computer. One more thing is i will program this pcb only once. So there any way of programming it without having USB or RS232 connectors on pcb.

7805 24v to 5v

pepakpan said:
I would like to thank all for their replies. I tested with 7805 and its working.

Added after 4 minutes:

My one more question is...

I would like to design a pcb with atmega8 controller. So to program this controller I need to have some interface between controller and computer. One more thing is i will program this pcb only once. So there any way of programming it without having USB or RS232 connectors on pcb.
If it is a DIP package, you may use AVR programmer from
you may implement it on a bread board and after programming, you may transfer your ATMEGA8 to the user board.

24v to 5v circuit

if u use the 7805 regulator to convert 24 to 5 volt then u will lose lot of energy as heat and power dissipation of 7805 will increase as well , decreasing the power dissipation of lm7805

better use Dc-Dc converter , if u are to keep the efficiency high

drop 24v to 5v

afterall, you can use 6V and derive 5V for the few mA load using a Low Drop Out( LDO) regulator like LM2931-5 or LM1117-5
upto say 50mA even an input of 5.6V is sufficient got get 5V

As such no point in using 25V input.

8 volt 5 volt conversion

the power supply 24V is not my wish... its a standard power supply used in a system where i have to use this its the only option...

power supply 5v 24v

pepakpan said:
the power supply 24V is not my wish... its a standard power supply used in a system where i have to use this its the only option...
any way , you managed you need . Fine

24v 5v dc dc converter

go for uc2575 you can use 5v or adjustable version

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