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Metal on Poly or diffusion

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acbalbason said:

the way i look at it, you do not route over gates because of the thin oxide present below it. it is unlike the active region where thick field oxides exist. sure you are allowed to route over gates, but too heavy a metal can break your gate. especially for enhancement type transistors. there is practically only channel and a thin oxide to support the metals above it (if indeed you route over the gate).

- al

Hi acbalbason

I get ur point. But this applies to the metal layer immediately on top of poly(lowest metal) , in my case M1 and not m2 right?



    Points: 2
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boss first of all how can u route M1 over transistor? it gets shorted with s and d.
M2 and above can be routed over transistor. but conditions are
Dont route a high frequency signal over analog transistor . In digital blocks u can route over transistor


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siva497 said:
boss first of all how can u route M1 over transistor? it gets shorted with s and d.
M2 and above can be routed over transistor. but conditions are
Dont route a high frequency signal over analog transistor . In digital blocks u can route over transistor

hi siva497

The technology that i work with has got an inetrconnect layer which lies between poly and metal1, hence there is provision to have a Tx without M1 but just the interconnect layer. I believe that is clear.



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