hi Fvm,
i am giving you complete detail,
i have used irf740 mosfets for h bridge, and ir2110 mosfet driver ic,
for bootstraping, i have used 22uf capacitor,
My hbridge is driven by pic16f877 mcu , and i have simulated the code , and the mcu was generating the SPWM signal fine,
for inductor design i have used a ferrite toroidal core of OD 35.5mm
ID 23 mm
HT 12. mm approx
my DC genarating stage i.e 12vdc to 311vdc also blown out due to excessive current,, and initially i have seperately tested my Dc dc stage with a 200Watt bulb , and it was working fine, today i decided to rectify the 220volts that is coming from wall outlet using in4007 and 47uf,450v capacitor ,and connect the rectified output dc to hbridge, after connection was complete ,i first power up the Hbridge circuit and mcu,, after that i switched on my dc voltage ,,, in output ,i connected a 15watt bulb ,and that was working fine ,,,after thet i removed the bulb and connect the LC filter ,,now as i switched on my dc voltage ,,my hbridge mosfet blown and also mcb of my room tripps off due to excessive current ? and i have made my circuit 6 times again and again , but i get only failure all the times, and m really confused what to do now? where is the problem in my design?