Looking for schematic for ICD2

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usb icd2


Found bugs in PCB postet above:

Pin 6 of U4 (REG104) and U8 (REG103) must not be connected to GND.
They only act as heatsinks.

Sorry for that,


icd schematics

jenda said:

Found bugs in PCB postet above:

Pin 6 of U4 (REG104) and U8 (REG103) must not be connected to GND.
They only act as heatsinks.

Sorry for that,


Is any errors in your shematic :roll:

icd2 схема оригинал


as mentioned above the cooling pads (No. 6) of REG104 and REG103 must not be connected to ground.

There are additional erros concearning the step up switcher TL497. The inductivity is too low and the timing capacitor is wrong. I have to recalculate those parts.

U9 and U6 are wrong in the BOM (wrong package). Use SN74AHC126PWR and SN74AHCT125PWR (instead of SN74AHC126DBR and SN74AHCT125DBR).


24f max232 schematic

Dr. jenda, hi !

I Havn't enuf points, so can you sent me your last schematic to email:
Thank you !


hi stump

You should be able to download the files without points.
Klick on <<free mirror>>.

I just recalculated the components for the step up converter TL497.
L = 220uH (L3)
Ct =220pF (C21)
Rcl = 1 Ohm (R39)



Sorry, but I don't understand.
Why need 74HCTxxx? If target device can have own 5 V suppl?
Where uncompatible ?
What difference beetwin HC-AHC & HCT-AHCT?
Are Microchip say, that target ( for ICD2) may have 3.0….3.3 V power suppl.?
Demo –2 board, for exmpl, have 5.0 V, directly !!! connected to ICSP/D (j2).

About 13 V.
In Microchip ICD2, MIC2145 have Uref=1.08 V, and divider 1Mom - (82k+(0-5-10k)).
U13 will be : 12.8…13.5….14.2 V. In scematic with LM317 we have very-very wide range !!!
Versions without MCP41010 may be uncompatible with next versions Microchip software !?
MCP41010 Umax = 7 V, Imax = 1mA, but in sceme with LM317 we have 14 - 1.23= 12.7V!!!
and I=4.4 mA (270 Om).
Only 7407 have Umax = 30 V for open collector. 74LS07N = ? 13 V ? is it right?

My english, very bad, sorry again.

icd2 ds30

I'm not sure why to use AHCT. The devices with a T in its part number accept TTL level inputs. I think the TTL level devices are used to be able to program targets with a lower supply voltage than 5V.

The A in the part number means <<advanced>>. This devices have a better performance (noise, speed, power consumption) than those without the A (HC, HCT). But it for this application it doesn't matter wether you use AHC/AHCT or HC/HCT. Both will work fine.


icd2 serial schematic

The step up converter is configured wrong, you are right stump.

You have to replace the resistor to 1M - 100k + (0 - 5k - 10k). This results in a programming voltage between 12.1V - 13.2V. The upper bound is kind of low.
The correct walues would be 1.16M - 113k + (0 - 5k - 10k) resulting in 12.5V - 13.5V Vpp.


poyto icd2

Hi jenda, thanks for your greate job

I have found here the files that you have uploaded

**broken link removed**

This are the most recent?

If it's right, this week end i'll etch it

There are some new bugs to solve?

Thank you again


schematic icd2 full pic

Hi Mauroh

The download you found is most up to date. Nevertheless the errors discussed above are not corrected. But those bugs don't concearn the PCB. There is a small PCB error. The power connector is attached wrong. I'll try to fix this this in a few hours and upload the new version. I'll poste the whole thing here.

Stay tuned, j

read eeprom with icd2

Again some corrections.

Design is working. USB still not tested.

Hope this is final.


icd keyless schematics

I look the differenses beetwin HC(HCT) & AHC ! To this device main: AHC(AHCT) - input tolerance ( for buffer , output too) to signal 7 V! ( without power suppl - too !!! ). If we use 74HC - we mast remember about
power supl for ICD2 and power supl for target !!! and about "question/button" in M P L A B = Whot suppl. we will use. The engineers from M_i_crochip - good and clewer boys !!!

2 Jenda. In your scematic pic=16877A - pls, add your "file".rar with correct bootloader, that you already tested. It will be very usefull.
And I will can download it .

microchip icd circuit

2 Jenda. In your schematic C1....C4= 100nF, but look like electrolitic capasitors . What real type and capacity you used in device?

schematics icd2

I used the bootloader prowided by zaphod42 ( bootloader.rar). It is a modified loader for the PIC16F877A. Load this hex file to your ICD2 then download the original firmware from MPLAB.

C1...C4: I used polarised caps (tantal). If you check the MAX232A datasheet you'll see that they use polarised caps. But I think the device also works with some ceramic caps.


tl497acn icd2 schema

Hi all

I got some strange behaviour using the 16F877A and the bootloader.hex firmware from zaphod42. In MPLAB I can connect to the ICD2 board but if I download the ICD2 firmware ICD2 doesn't comunicate with the target device. The SSP isn't even turned on (No clock at SCK). Has someone made the same experience?
Is it necessary thet the target board is attached or should it be possible to download the ICD2 firmware without a target connected?


maplab icd2 schematic

Two very simple schematics for ICD2 https://icd2clone.narod.ru

1. ver 1.4 woks with 5V tagets only.
2. ver 2.1 woks with tagets >=2.4V

microchip mplab icd 2 ttl support

It is not correct. You can't use 74HC in your schematic. They have input lelels only Vcc+0.5V.

mplab icd 2 to ttl?

You are right that the input range for AHC/T is larger (0V-7V). This is important if you want to use supply voltages other than 5V on the target board. If not you can use the HC/T types.

icd2 circuit schematic

Has anyone reversengineered the functionality of RTS and CTS on the RS232. Are they just used for handshaking?

tusb3410 circuit

jenda said:
You are right that the input range for AHC/T is larger (0V-7V). This is important if you want to use supply voltages other than 5V on the target board.

When you use 2 - 3V targets, supply voltage for 74HC126 just 2 - 3V. Inputs of 74HC have protection diods to supply (2-3V). That's why you can't set 5V (RA5, RA2,RC5, RC3) directly to U6 (as 74HC126).

jenda said:
If not you can use the HC/T types.

No, I can't. Your schematic needs 74AHC126 and 74VHC126 and so on...

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