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Looking for a head model/phantom in HFSS

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Junior Member level 1
Junior Member level 1
Dec 21, 2006
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Hello to everyone.

Is there any chance to find a head model/phantom in hfss code?I need a head model that simulates the skin,bone,tissues etc of the head so as to put it in the hfss and rf-simulate it.

P.S.: If not, i have already found a model in cst code.Is there any way to convert it into hfss?


phantom head ansoft

gouzou said:
Hello to everyone.
P.S.: If not, i have already found a model in cst code.Is there any way to convert it into hfss?
I guess you can export your model into *.sat or other format file and then import it into HFSS. After all you should only assing electric parameters for all elements in the model manually.

PS Does anybody have an accurate model of human body?

sam voxel model phantom head


all 'realistic" Human modes are based on VOXEL datas. These formats can not be exported into SAT. Only the phantom models are available as SAT model.

The main question is, if you indeed want to model a realistic model with all tissue details in a FEM based simulator. A voxel model is basically a bitmap of a human. This are a lot of geometrical information for a FEM modeler. Just think about it. if you use a pixel resolution of 2 mm you have may something like 2 000 000 voxel ( a rough guess). If you have to resolve these details with a TET mesher - even if some neighboring voxels can be combined - you end up with several 100 000 TETs.. and this does not even take into account the antenna and the surrounding space.

I guess it would be better to use a simple phantom with less details or to use a time domain solver...


phantom head price electromagnetic

To RFSimulator

Do you know how to get
Human modes are based on VOXEL datas
for CST?

Medical VR Studio offer such a model however price about $6500 is to high.

free human voxel model

To gouzou

you wrote: "P.S.: If not, i have already found a model in cst code."

Where did you find it ?

Best regards


yale head voxel

hi all

in matlab we can draw an object but in hfss it is hard!
if any one have the hfss help or any text about "equation based drwing", i think that it is so usuful for all. please upload it for all.
best regards

Added after 2 minutes:

whoul you please upload the website or any way that we could find these .Sat models

cad model human head

hi all,

that is not correct. semcad x has realistic, high resolution human models and they are cad files not pre voxelled. please check page for details...

i agree that it is better to do this kind of simulations with time domain softwares.

RFSimulator said:

all 'realistic" Human modes are based on VOXEL datas. These formats can not be exported into SAT. Only the phantom models are available as SAT model.

The main question is, if you indeed want to model a realistic model with all tissue details in a FEM based simulator. A voxel model is basically a bitmap of a human. This are a lot of geometrical information for a FEM modeler. Just think about it. if you use a pixel resolution of 2 mm you have may something like 2 000 000 voxel ( a rough guess). If you have to resolve these details with a TET mesher - even if some neighboring voxels can be combined - you end up with several 100 000 TETs.. and this does not even take into account the antenna and the surrounding space.

I guess it would be better to use a simple phantom with less details or to use a time domain solver...


semcad cad format

Hi Gouzou

you have not described what you like exactly do with your simulation? If you like to do dosimetry you can forget any implicit method like finite elements (HFSS) or similar. You have to use an explicit method like FDTD (finite difference in time domain e.g. Semcad, XFTDT) or FIT (finite integrals in time domain e.g. CST Microwave Studio).
The big difference between implicite and explicite methods from the user point of view is the number of nodes/yee cells you can solve. When with implicite methods a number of 1 Million nodes for a 32 bit machine (max 4 Gig Ram, in practice less because of the PCI bus) are quiete much, with a explicite method 25-30 Million cells are still possible! So you see the big advantage of any explicite method! For the Courant condition with a ADI-FDTD you can go down with your frequency depending on the dimensions of your structures to 1 MHz and below (e.g. Semcad has this nice feature with the ADI FDTDsolver!).

To your problem with the human head: you can find under this link a voxel based segmented human head and a full human body from the Yale University from Dr. George Zubal for free use:
**broken link removed**.

Semcad has a import feature for voxel based data, so you can use this phantom with no problems for your calculations. If you have problems to import you can send me a pn and I can send you the head by mail. But also in XFDTD it is possible to import, also when it's not so confortable. For CST I don't know because I have never tried.

hope this helps, and good luck for your computations:
Ricy :)

semcad voxel export

looking at MicroStripes (3D EM solver) at SAR - Microwave Dosimetry section - it sounds like they have Sam head model

"SAM Phantom head filled with simulant liquid and placed next to a generic dual-band mobile phone (PIFA antenna)"

their compact source technology can help u to to installed performance analysis of the device (for cell phone app) (excellent as u do not need to mesh in detail the compact source(represntaiton of your antenna) speed ;)

good luck

exporting voxel to sat

Ansoft has body and head models available ($$$$$) for use with their HFSS software. You may want to contact them. At least that is what their local sales rep told me.

In a previous life I had access to something called a "Hershey Head" with the skull brain and associated tissue modeled. A search on that might yield interesting and useful results. I used that for SAR analysis. Unfortunately, I no longer have access to the model.

Good (head) hunting.

cst voxel import

Hi All,

Yes, MicroStripes do have a homogeneous head CAD model like other softwares (SEMCAD X, CST, XFDTD, HFSS, etc. ). But I think original question was about inhomogeneous head model with many tissues (voxelled or CAD). You may check different numerical phantoms (CAD files) with many different tissues on semcad x webpage.

Best wishes

3dandyw said:
looking at MicroStripes (3D EM solver) at SAR - Microwave Dosimetry section - it sounds like they have Sam head model

"SAM Phantom head filled with simulant liquid and placed next to a generic dual-band mobile phone (PIFA antenna)"

their compact source technology can help u to to installed performance analysis of the device (for cell phone app) (excellent as u do not need to mesh in detail the compact source(represntaiton of your antenna) speed ;)

good luck

human model and simulation .hfss

The two head models I mentioned are not homogeneous. The internal structures are quite detailed.



semcad head model

i attched my ieee papers for body worn antenna and in these papers we investiate on human body parameters in VHF band:


phantom head model for hfss

Do you know where I could find a simplified human body model, a phantom e.g in SAT format? Thank you!

Head model

in PIERs Journal there are some human body model proposed

Re: Head model

do youhave link foryhis journal??

Added after 1 minutes:

Dear SAJ25

your article is deleted
please redownload it for me

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