Advanced Member level 7

Your MOS Transistors have L=150um, W=0.18um and you cannot never make those transistors into saturation mode so you will get a never positive gain..!!Therefore Ids is around nA level..
Why don't you want to understand ? You don't know the fundamentals of MOS transistors but you try to design an LNA @ 2.4GHz..I suggest you to learn the fundamentals of MOS transistors, how they work, how they are biased, what is saturation mode what is linear mode ...You cannot never learn about'em by asking many question here, never..
Engineering starts to read-write, then read-write, then read-write again.. When you have a concrete fundamental, you may start to play with simulators.Otherwise you effort cannot be more than digging a deep hole with a needle..
Your MOS Transistors have L=150um, W=0.18um and you cannot never make those transistors into saturation mode so you will get a never positive gain..!!Therefore Ids is around nA level..
Why don't you want to understand ? You don't know the fundamentals of MOS transistors but you try to design an LNA @ 2.4GHz..I suggest you to learn the fundamentals of MOS transistors, how they work, how they are biased, what is saturation mode what is linear mode ...You cannot never learn about'em by asking many question here, never..
Engineering starts to read-write, then read-write, then read-write again.. When you have a concrete fundamental, you may start to play with simulators.Otherwise you effort cannot be more than digging a deep hole with a needle..