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keypad function to return 0 to 16 characters

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Now to your code. People have been telling you that you cannot separate your code from the hardware but you seem to have been ignoring this.
My dear friend, I appreciate help offer by people I also don't have much knowledge of 8051. I was asking where to connect keypad and Lcd to port of 8051.

You have also not really told us what the problem is that you are having other than nothing appears on the LCD which you have immediately assumed is a fault with the keypad function. In your code (at least the code you have shown) My advice is to get one thing running at a time. Perhaps start with the LCD and make sure that it is actually displaying some characters. Then add in a single button press (with debounce) to understand how that works. Then work up to the keypad.

I wrote the code for Lcd. I was printing message on screen. then I wrote code to display message if the push button press. and wrote other program's i have idea about Lcd. I am stuck in keypad

I am just asking two question

Q1. Where to connect LCD and keypad to port of 8051

Q2. How to make good keypad function that would return 0 to 15 characters.

Q1. Where to connect LCD and keypad to port of 8051

I did not spend more than a few seconds to find several program examples and circuits in the historical Edaboard of threads containing access to the LCD display and keyboard for the 8051. It will be your homework to find it by yourself.

Q2. How to make good keypad function that would return 0 to 15 characters.

I should not do this in the face of your blatant refusal to use the forum's search capabilities, but to be honest I wish to see this thread closed as soon as possible:


I did not spend more than a few seconds to find several program examples and circuits in the historical Edaboard of threads containing access to the LCD display and keyboard for the 8051. It will be your homework to find it by yourself.

I posted this thread after doing google search. I visited here **broken link removed** I gone through top 7 link's. and I saw keypad is connected to port P1. If you see post #7 exactly same I was doing there.

I should not do this in the face of your blatant refusal to use the forum's search capabilities, but to be honest I wish to see this thread closed as soon as possible:
I posted complete schematic in post #13. and I was asking to make keypad function in c programming that can be return character

I tried my best to solve problem. If you want to close it you can but can you tell me reason where I am doing mistake ?
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Try to solve the issue step by step. Post a schematic which represents the actual code you are using. As Aussie said "My advice is to get one thing running at a time". Take the above code for keypad and make incremental experiments first with it along with a LED blinking; Then add LCD functionality and so. The way you are doing, it is not clear what is working or not working so far.
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