Issues with TPS2811 MOSFET Driver for IRF530 in Buck SMPS Design

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The point me building this smps is that it has to be custom. I can't buy an ic that does the entire buck portion as it wouldn't be custom. Thanks for the input though!

Any ideas for selecting an gate driver and would using a pwm controller ic work? Like will it keep the out of my buck converter 5v dc and adjust the duty cycle to keep it that consistent output.

A PWM IC designed to drive a P fet, or a normal output one with some transistors to level shift the drive to a P fet will give you a working solution, better to keep the freq to 150-200kHz for efficiency and choice of buck inductors.
Even a low cost CMOS 555 timer can be configured to do this.

Is there any ic on the market that will do the pwm with feedback capability? Like it will adjust the duty cycle of the pwm to keep the output at a constant 5v dc?

To assist progress, here is a simulation which demonstrates how to drive a buck converter using hysteresis. An op amp is used as a comparator.

Apply 5.2V reference to one input. The output voltage is applied to the other input. (The current-sense resistor is not essential, however it makes for tighter regulation of output voltage.)

The op amp biases an NPN, which in turn biases a PNP. The op amp operates from a 5V supply (which can be provided by a zener diode and resistor combination).

The load can be changed, although it may require adjusting a few other values.

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