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Mar 14, 2006
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vhdl case sensitive

though vhdl is not case sensitive why is 'z' is not recognized while 'Z' is recognized as high impedence state as well the same with 'x' too..

some body help me........


is vhdl case sensitive

in some compilers 'z' or 'x' may not recognized but it will recognize 'Z' or 'X' that depends on compiler

vhdl case sensitivity

Although identifiers in VHDL are not case-sensitive, the interpretation of enumeration literals such as 'Z' and 'L' is case-sensitive. This means that 'z' is not equivalent to 'Z'. VHDL for Programmable Logic - Kevin Skahill[/b]

Identifiers are names of signals, variables, architectures..... Only these are case IN-SENSITIVE....

Almost everything else IS case-sensitive.

vhdl case

the std_logic values such as Z, X, W, H, L, U should be usually Capital to be interpreted correctly...and they can't be used as identifiers
is vhdl case sensitive?

If you are using Xilinx ise you can adjust the case sensitivity of the names. Juct click the process properties and you will see a case attribute. As default it says maintain you can also select upper lower cases. Hope it helps.

vhdl is case insensetive

VHDL is case insensitive, upper case letters are equivalent to
lower case Kohm and kohm refer to the same unit.

vhdl case sensitive?

vhdl is case insensitive except for d std_logic variables such as X,Z ..........
otherwise identifiers and keywords r case insensitive.........

vhdl case sensitive

it in some content depends on compilers

case sensitive vhdl

hi evrey one;

i need some Vhdl Files about 7 Segment counter(4 digit). and Moris Mano Cpu's Design in vhdl. also any other kind of ALU's are wellcom.

tnx to all

case in vhdl

True VHDL is not case sensitive but the Z and X are reserved so you have to write them in caps

vhdl case-sensitive

VHDL is not case sensitive. But 'X, 'Z' and others literals are defined using VHDL base types/primitives (even inside standard libraries). All this are not VHDL but defined using VHDL, and you need to use it exactly as defined (upper- or lower-case)

vhdl is case senstive

VHDL is not case sensitive. Only exceptions are defined data types such as 'U', 'Z', 'X' ,etc. You should use uppercase for assigning these values to signals.

case sensitivity vhdl

ya...VHDL is not case sensitive like verilog...some compilers do that for Z and X..

Yes, VHDL can be case sensitive. See A Guide to VHDL Syntax by Jayaram Bhasker, section 2.43. \ADRF\ is distinct from \adrf\.

\ADRF\ is distinct from \adrf\.

you are now modifying it with \....\. You can even use keywords inside it as the name of signals. I think we are not talking about such extended identifiers here.

VHDL is not case sensitve. It is only characters that are case sensitive that causes some confusion.

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