Sameh Yassin
Newbie level 3

fsk server pstn
Dear all,
my project is to make biomedical hand held unit that is used in house. Simply, I need to read data from different biomedical sensors via USB port and send it to a microcontroller (Task1: I need to choose asuitable controller), then the data is sent via telephone lines to a remote server (task2: I need to decide whether to use DTMF to send data or use Modem Moule such as Ceremetek ch1788).
Concerning Task1: I found the chip "pic16F455" which has internal usb port, also I found many usb microcontroller from ATMEL such as AT89C5131A-L. could you please help me choose a suitable controller ?
Concerning Task 2 : As we can see we are sending low rate data, so U think I can use DTMf to send the required data to the remote server. Am I forced to use a modem module such as ceremetek ch1788 or the dtmf module such as tp5088 is enough. anyhelp is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Sameh Yassin
Dear all,
my project is to make biomedical hand held unit that is used in house. Simply, I need to read data from different biomedical sensors via USB port and send it to a microcontroller (Task1: I need to choose asuitable controller), then the data is sent via telephone lines to a remote server (task2: I need to decide whether to use DTMF to send data or use Modem Moule such as Ceremetek ch1788).
Concerning Task1: I found the chip "pic16F455" which has internal usb port, also I found many usb microcontroller from ATMEL such as AT89C5131A-L. could you please help me choose a suitable controller ?
Concerning Task 2 : As we can see we are sending low rate data, so U think I can use DTMf to send the required data to the remote server. Am I forced to use a modem module such as ceremetek ch1788 or the dtmf module such as tp5088 is enough. anyhelp is appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Sameh Yassin