Interfacing Gas sensor, ATtiny13 and transmitter

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Thx a lot for your help.. now I am able to get timer, watchdog and ADC all working.
I'm now up to the part that I need to test the transmitter... Do you have any recommended way of transmitting testing?

I try to connect the bit PB0 to Data in of transmitter then set that pin as and output and also to logic 1 (Just like turning on LED).
I then set up the receiver which has the data out pin connect to LED. So my concept is actually is send logic 1 to transmitter, it will then deliver that to receiver and turn on the LED.
I also wish to control the LED on off, so when I set PB0 as logic 0, the LED will be off at the receiver part.

I'm not sure is it correct way to do this testing? Can I just plug in LED straight away without need of another micro controller.(If I need one please advice me on to read the pin)
I actually just want a simple way to test transmitter and receiver by turn on/off the LED. Please suggest if there is a better way.

PS. I try set up the receiver with LED and it seems that my LED keep blinking all the time even though I don't connect the transmitter, do you know what is wrong? Is it because not enough supply voltage for receiver? (Need 5V, my VCC might supply a bit lower than that)

PS2. here are the models or transmitter and receiver I am using, and

Thank you
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If the receiver LED is flickering even if the transmitter is disconnected, it may just be some noise, especially since the sparkfun
page says "Note: These modules are indiscriminate and will receive a fair amount of noise.".
Also, the comments on the sparkfun page seem to indicate some other people receive noise too. It could be that there is a
lot of transmissions occurring near 434MHz nearby : (
If it is just brief flickering, then this is not so bad - you can just transmit at a slower rate, so that your longer transmitted pulses are
distinguishable from this noise.
Check if your receiver is picking up external noise by temporarily shielding it in a metal box.

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