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Implementing PPP connection on 8051

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msp430 slip ppp

pisoiu said:
Undefined, as far as I know, ppp is a symetrical protocol,
Yes, but connect to real internet provider (server) required much more complex PPP options & layers support than connect from client (i.e. Windows IE).

ping 8051

This is moto Connecting an M68HC08 Family Microcontroller to an
Internet Service Provider (ISP) Using the Point-to-Point
Protocol (PPP)
Table 8. Code Statistics
Segment Location Org Location End Size in Bytes
Non-initialized data
in zero page RAM
0x0040 0x0044 4
Non-initialized data in
0x0067 0x0128 193
Program code 0xB000 0xC513 5395
Program initialized
0x0045 0x0066 33
Text string and
0xC53E 0xC7C8 650
Vector table 0xFFDC 0xFFFF 35
Total RAM 230
Total ROM 6080

ppp software for microcontrollers

you could take a look at Dunkels uip TCP/IP Stack with there is a port with ppp.

ppp client for avr

who can share the ppp implementation for ARM7TDMI microcontrollers? thank you very much

c source code+8051+ppp+pdf

I think, for your pupose lwIP will be more usefull.

modem ppp microcontroller

hi mcs51, :(
it seems that i am stuck with the same PPP/51(developing PPP stack in 89c51 FROM SCRATCH) problem with no ideas as to where to begin. I guess you can help us out as I feel you have gone through the same problem. In the current situation, any help could be of great worth for me.
p.s: We have been through all the literature we could find regarding PPP.

implement ppp microcontrolador

The simple way to do the do the job is to port ethernut from AVR to x51


PS: this stack include full ppp routines written in C.
Hope this help,

ppp microcontroler

Doesnt Atmel have a Web Board using a 8051 ???

I Seem to remember they have source and all but im not 100% sure there is ppp in it , but worth investigating.

its called Atmel Web..(something)


ppp protocol 8051

Search EDA for previous on ppp posts..There have been several .
You don't need a ppp for 51 .. you need PPP for embedded ..
Search you'll find it here .It was posted some time ago.

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