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If anybody need help in EAGLE, ask me in this POST !

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Thanx for the reply..
Can i draw the square hole using wire on the layer 20:Dimension..
would it be ok ?

You can do almost anything provided you make sure the PCB manufacturer understands what you want (i.e. you supply them with notes to explain it). I have seen people put four holes on a PCB with a note to route out the area between them. The advantage of using layers such as 46 is that the PCB will "look" correct and there will be some consistency. For example, my normal PCB supplier will take Eagle files so even if I don't add any notes they know what to do with a rectangle drawn on layer 46.


Hello ...

do you know how can i use eagle libraries in orcad allegro ? is there a way to convert bwtween the two ????

thanks in advance.

i have added a ground plane to my pcb, now i want to exclude a 20 mil line rectangle from getting solder masked, so that i can solder a metal shield. how to do that?
thank you

Hello all, I have a design in Eagle and will have 2 questions.
1. where are the libraries for pin headers (DIP type) and pin plates? (as shown in the picture)
2. what should be the wire spacing and copper width for a project that includes both MSP430 like IC's and 24V voltage supply lines? They should be different I think.


There are probably various possible libraries, but try con-lsta.lbr. Browse anything called con-xx to see what is in them.

Wire spacing isn't usually an issue at 24V. Wire width depends on current.

You can output a DXF - use the ULP called dxf.ulp

You can download a DXF import ULP from the Cadsoft site **broken link removed**

There are quie a few other user written ULPs on the Cadsoft site related to DXF

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You can output a DXF - use the ULP called dxf.ulp

You can download a DXF import ULP from the Cadsoft site **broken link removed**

There are quie a few other user written ULPs on the Cadsoft site related to DXF

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**broken link removed**
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Great help! Thanks!
But I still have to redefine the layers after importing.


Hi again,
I want to ask that how can we create 3 layered design in Eagle? I have written ((1*2)+(15*16)) for 4 layers for the design rules.

I also should learn how to choose these layers. You can only select TOP and BOTTOM layers when clicking "route" function. Despite creating a 4 layered design, I could not see where to route for other layers.


I am not sure if you can actually get someone to make a 3 layer PCB - how will they make it? Anyway, using a layer build of (1*2*16) or (1+2+16) should work within Eagle. To switch layers you can click your middle mouse button - a pop-up to select the layer should appear. You can also change the layer from the drop down toolbar when routing (usually top left depending on how you have the toolbars arranged). Or type "layer" or "layer 2" on the keyboard.

I am not sure if that is possible. There may be third party software that can do it, but they tend to be expensive. It is not really an Eagle question - it is a question for someone who uses Allegro or Altium.


Where can i find a good library with SMD components for eagle?

Just basics like SMD resistors and capacitors?

Or is the only way to draw the component your self in eagle.... There must be someone before me who just needs the basic size SMD components like 1206 package?

There are tens of thousands of library parts included with Eagle!

RCL.lbr contains resistors, capacitors and inductors in a huge range of sizes from 0201 to ... huge ones. Wave and reflow versions.

For making your own parts, many packages will already be included in ref-packages.lbr (or ref-packages-longpad.lbr if you want longer pads for hand soldering).


Re: eagle autoplace

hi, bro, i want ask if u have any eagle library anout lm5 and adc0804? iam doing a school project, and i cannot find them anywhere,

ADC080x are in the Linear.lbr library included with Eagle.

LM5 seems to be an incomplete part number. If you give the correct part number it will help.


i needed pic32 qfn foot print, part: PIC32MX534F064H
if anyone have it please attach here.

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