You still around Keith? =)
I had to take a break on the PCB design. I'm still unsure about the darn circulator from a few posts back...
I'll try to break down the case in point:
* i have some QFN packages. In those, to ground the pads that should be grounded properly, I leave the pins without thermal and connect to ground.
* The ground pad of the device is just specified by a square of cream and stop layer. Via to ground are added in the PCB drawing.
* Now, I have a ground plane on the top and bottom. Specified by making two polygons around the board, one top, one bottom, then naming them GND.
* I then use rastnest, and this is what happens:
* For the pins on various packages that are connected to ground, they are simply left open.. red on red (gnd on gnd)
* Pins that belong to the signal are shielded off, visualized by a blue outline.
* Ground planes (mid paddle) of QNF package such as the LNA being just cream are now in direct contact with the top GND layer. I further add vias to bottom ground.
This is how the last board using similar devices was made. And it works.
The last PCB did not use circulators however. And now I see a potential problem, but I am unsure.
* As I use a SMD to make the circular ground plane, even if I leave off thermal, eagle thinks the center pad belong to the signal, not GND. Thus, the entire circle is outlined by a shielding blue area, as if it were a signal path.
Will it work to just add tons of vias?
I have gotten a better proposal of land pattern from the manufacture. On it it says the following:
"To ensure proper electrical and thermal performance there must be a ground plane of 100% solder connection underneath the part".
The drawing also shows how to place vias (thru holes to gnd) on the center pad.
If this did not make sense please do ask me to clarify