I need your help for my new assignment in analog cir design!

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Full Member level 4
Apr 4, 2003
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I was assigned an analog circuit design.

1. Algorithm to solve the following equation using integrators:

(the equation is given as picture that I upload here)

(Block diagram to explain the algorithm you apply)

2. Design a circuit (using integrator) that can generate a sinusoidal waveform
- Frequency range: 0.1Hz - 100 Hz (devide into 3 frequency band)
- Output voltage: 5 Vpp

+ about the first question, I haven’t found the solution yet. Can someone here can recommend me the way that I can find out the solution or if you can, please upload some related documents that is useful.
+ about the second question, Can you recommend me some useful websites that deal with this functional circuit. Or can you suggest me some ways to design this circuit

I look forward to hearing from you elektroda members.
Thank you in advance!

PS. Because my english is not good, if there’s something that is not clear, you can post here so I’ll try to give you other words that is more clear!

Re: I need your help for my new assignment in analog cir des

Hey man, why don't you struggle your mind a little and try to apply what you saw in your classes?

This is a classical example of linear theory courses. Anyway, you can find the solution in nearly any basic book about linear theory

Re: I need your help for my new assignment in analog cir des

for second question,
you can go to national web to find a amp application,In that application have all fuction circuit of amp


Here is a hint on how to do the equation solution.

1. Since the output of an integrator is the integral of the input, the input is the differential of the output.

2. Put several integrators in tandem and label the output x and use 1 above to go node to node towards the input using differential labels.

3. Tap off different points on the above chain to get the terms of your equation. Use voltage dividers to get coefficients that are less than 1 an another gain stage to get coefficients greater than 1.

Re: I need your help for my new assignment in analog cir des

I didnt understand your problem, do you look this?

(s^2 + 2as +w^2)u=0

(1 + 2a/s + w^2/s^2)u=0

1/s(2a + w^2/s)u= -u

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