i need 12V DC to 220V AC inverter circuit

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12v to 240v inverter circuit diagram

jamesj said:
Have any of these been tried at 110-120 voltages?... And...
What would I need to do to make it 110-120volts? (use in USA)


all you have to do is to change the transformer. either you buy 12-0-12 to 120v or you wind one yourself. the remaining circuits and components are ok. just change the transformer. goodluck pal

Added after 5 minutes:

E-design said:
Do you have the circuit values? The IC's looks like a 4060, 4013 and 4047 but what is rest of the values?

quite sorry that i cant really produce the value of the rest of the component but i assure i will dig down my library and upload it or i get you the link on the web. i guess you like the design. very good design it has a stable frequency.
have fun

Added after 28 minutes:

E-design said:
Do you have the circuit values? The IC's looks like a 4060, 4013 and 4047 but what is rest of the values?

ok i got the values of the rest of parts

Part List

R1=10Mohms C4=10uF 16V IC2=4013
R2=100ohms C5=47uF 16V IC3=4047
R3=1.2Kohms C6=470nF 400V CR1=3.2768 MHZ crystal
R4=560Kohms D1=5V6 0.4W T1=220Vac/2X10V 2X2.2A *see text
R5-6=2.2Kohms D2-3=47V 1W F1=5A Fuse
R7-8=56 ohms 5W Q1-2=BS170 F2=0.25A Fuse
CX=22pF trimmed capacitor Q3-4=BD139 L1=1H smoothing choke
C1-2=22pF ceramic Q5-6=BD249
C3=8.2nF 100V MKT IC1=4060

or you can visit the site directly

**broken link removed**

12v to 220v circuit

Looking at this design more closely, something’s bothers me.

The designer uses a crystal for an accurate 50Hz trigger reference but then uses the 4047 in monostable mode with the on-time on Q determined by a RC constant? As it stands every time the MS is triggered by the 50Hz clock, the Q output will be high for ≈11.4mS. The complementary Q-BAR will be low for this time. About (20-11.4)mS later the MS gets triggered again and the cycle repeats.

Although it will results in a stable 50Hz output to the drivers, it will not provide or guarantee a symmetrical high-time output on Q and Q-BAR. This may result in a flux imbalance in the transformer core over time, leading to saturation and possible transistor failure due to core saturation.

There is already a 50Hz complementary signal with 50% duty cycle available from IC2A (pin 1,2). Why not use that as the drive signal? Maybe I am missing something and someone will point it out, but this is what I get from this circuit.

dc to ac inverter circuit

what is the transformer rating, i mean what is primary and secondary voltage.

12v 120v inverter schematic

hye all there...

i need a three phase inverter schematic diagram for my final year undergraduate project...

input: 12VDC
output: 240VAC

can anybody help me..plz...
i'm doing a Grid-tie systems from the solar energy

thanks a lot...

12vdc to 220vac 250w

Here is an article in luanguage unknown to me. But circuit will be useful. if it is 220V then it must be single phase as in my country. otherwise u can modify as required.

hep silicon diode

I have problem with the transformer..
how to connect transformer?
can I used 220V/12V transformer to get 220V from 12V input?What I mean if I connect input 12V to 12V that transformer..
or I only can used 12V/220V transformer?
or 12V/220V transformer is same with 220V/12V transformer??

ac inverter design

if you connect 220 V ac voltage to 220 v terminal (in 220 to 12 transformer) you get 12 Volt voltage in 12 terminal. but if you connect 12 V ac to 12 v terminal (in the same transformer) you get 220 volt voltage in 220 terminal. 12V to 220V transformer is same with 220 to 12 v transformer

12volt dc too 220volt ac

step down transformer can be use for step up transformer or not???
It is same between step down and step up transformer??
I want to used step down transformer 240 to 12 V as a step up transformer for 12V to 240V, which I connect It oppositely.

12volt dc to220vac

step down transformer can be use in step up transformer. is your transformer labelled with 0, 110, 220 and 240 in primary and 6, 12, CT, etc in secondary?
if you want this transformer to be step up transformer, just connect the 12 V ac voltage in 12 labelled terminal and its produce 220 volt between 220 and 0 labeled terminal.

220v ac to 12v dc

tQ catur_3414..

Have u known how to modified transformer 240V to 240V bocome 12V to 240V??
how many turn should be do for get 12V??

shematic diagram of grid tie inveter

240:240 = 1:1turn
12:240 = 1 : 20 turn
mean that if u have 50 turn in primer, so in secondary is 1000 turn.

220v ac inverter

lots of inverter circuit are avaliable,but we talk about effeciency,and wattage,in a week time i paste all the inver circuit i have on this web,,,,,markotech.freecyberzone.com

12v dc to 220v ac 250w

Is there anyome with 127Vac and 60Hz??


Fernando - Call sign PU2PLL - Brazil

12v 220v inverter schematic

brother, its aamir from pakistan. I needs a circuit for inverter of 1kv capacity, (12dc to 220 AC) for my project at uni. pleas help me to buit this. pleas gie me a citcuit which is not difficult to built. i,ll be gratly thankful to you.

ups diagram 12vdc 2 220v ac

Dear everybody,
I'm technician from Indonesia and I would like to build 12V DC to 220V AC Inverter.
I need that circuit. Can anyone help me???
You can email the circuit diagram at darmadjaya@yahoo.com

220 inverter

brother, i got one circuit, and i like it too due to its simplecity and it is also very easy to buit. but i dont have its values for 1000 watts. can any body help me to suggest about the specification of the Transistor, copasitor, resistors and Diod which would be using in the process of building 1000 watts Inverter. here is its ciruit and the readings.

Part Total Qty. Description Substitutions
C1, C2 2 68 uf, 25 V Tantalum Capacitor
R1, R2 2 10 Ohm, 5 Watt Resistor
R3, R4 2 180 Ohm, 1 Watt Resistor
D1, D2 2 HEP 154 Silicon Diode
Q1, Q2 2 2N3055 NPN Transistor (see "Notes")
T1 1 24V, Center Tapped Transformer (see "Notes")
MISC 1 Wire, Case, Receptical (For Output)

12v dc 1000 watts,220v inverter circuit diagram

That inverter circuit doesn't work. Its capacitors are backwards, its 2N3055 transistors have a base current too low and they have avalanche breakdown.
The capacitors blow up because their polarity is backwards and the high current of the avalanching transistors is in them.
Its output power is about 25W just before it blows up and its output voltage is low.
More powerful transistors and transformer has nothing to do with how much power it makes.

Read about it in the long thread about it in the power supply forum at www.arroncake.net .

transformer 12v dc to 220

hmm brother actuly i used this circut with series of 1047 transistors. and with higher power transformer and i think it worked.

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