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I (a newb) would like to design a small & simple GPS tracking system for my 2 cats

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Re: I (a newb) would like to design a small & simple GPS tracking system for my 2 cat

I have both of these models here.

I would go withthe first one. although it's a clone of the real PicKit3, Shure Electronics stuff is usually very good. It will not only program more devices that the second unit, it has debugging capability and it works with devices that use less than 5V supply.

I may be wrong but the second one looks very similar to my K150 from and I suspect it may be a pirate copy of it, especially as the chip list matches that of a well known hacked version of it's software.

Ideally you need a PIC with two serial interfaces, one to talk to your GPS (if that's what you decided on) and one to talk to your local link. Unfortunately, that limits you PIC18 or PIC24 devices although you can use one internal serial interface and fake the other in software if you like. Almost all the PICs have one serial interface (USART) so if you aren't using GPS almst any type will work.

Yes GPS does need an antenna. A wire will not work, the common types are quad helix (which would be too big for a collar) or a patch. A patch will work adequately and is about 1" square by about 1/4" high. It's a special part made of ceramic, not something you could easily make at home. Bear in mind it should be mounted horizontally and facing upward so it has to be above the cats neck. If you cats are like mine, they spend 23 hours of the day on their sides curled up and the remaining 1 hour with their heads in a food dish.


Re: I (a newb) would like to design a small & simple GPS tracking system for my 2 cat

Interesting, you might get lucky with a wire ant, I recently tried a (fairly recent, so presumably very sensitive) GPS unit that
was integrated in some gear (I don't know the GPS chipset info), and it worked with a small dipole intended for use as a 3G antenna in Europe!
I hadn't expected it to work, but it worked well outdoors (maybe there may be an issue in cloudy conditions but I didn't
try in those conditions). Still, I'm sure you don't want a wire sticking out of your cat. A patch antenna is smaller (I don't
know much about antennas).

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