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How to make a choice between active or poly?

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Jul 22, 2005
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In standard cell, avoiding the latch up, there always exist an active region that is connected with the poly. My question is that when i need a metal2 path in the net, where should i place the via? on the active area or poly? Is there any difference?
Thanks a lot!

This siva
If u want to connect poly which is input of the transistor( lower level)to other net which is in level 2 then we have to connect by via12 which is connected between
poly(not active)and the level 2 net.

There are different via12 types which is depends up on the connected nets
that is ...................
metal1 ia connected to metal2
poly of one level connected to other level poly
poly of one level connected to other level metal(metal2)


only metal1 can be connected to active and poly.
to connect poly and active to other metal layers you have to go through metal1
and CONT connects Metal1 to poly and active.

like M2 (Via1) M1 (cont) poly or active this will connect Metal2 to ur poly or active.

Via1 is Via b/w M2 M1

smilodon said:
In standard cell, avoiding the latch up, there always exist an active region that is connected with the poly. My question is that when i need a metal2 path in the net, where should i place the via? on the active area or poly? Is there any difference?
Thanks a lot!

Sorry for my poor setence.
I know metal1 must be used to connect active and poly. Actually i want to know where is the best place to put a via for metal2? You know my poly have connected to a seperate active area that is used only for anti latch up.
And when we layout using metal2, we need via12 to connect metal2 and metal1. So, we put via12 on drain(or source) area or on poly or other place? Which is the order between so many choices?

Thanks a lot.

Added after 10 minutes:

p.sivakumar said:
This siva
If u want to connect poly which is input of the transistor( lower level)to other net which is in level 2 then we have to connect by via12 which is connected between
poly(not active)and the level 2 net.

There are different via12 types which is depends up on the connected nets
that is ...................
metal1 ia connected to metal2
poly of one level connected to other level poly
poly of one level connected to other level metal(metal2)


Yes, actully the poly net have connected a active area for avoiding antenna. And I need a metal2 to connect the net to other net, so i need a via12, but i am not sure where is the best place for via12.

But i am not sure where is the best place for via12. And in standard cell, there exist many room to lay a via12, so, what is the principle of putting via12?
Thanks a lot

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